Yayyayyayyaaaaaay! Got the lyrics for Noona Is So Pretty (Replay) in both the romanized and English translated versions! :D JONGHYUNNNNN OPAAAAAA! ♥♥♥
Sick today. mygosh. :( woke up at Yokeching lover's Wake-Up-SMS at 6.30AM and I was like Owwww my head. :S worse than yesterday's headache. Then my stomach hurt badly too. :(
Sorry for not going for LDC, Yokeching and Nic Wong! :((
It seems that suaysuay every year's LDC I will fall sick. Last year it was fever I think. =.=
Quin's Mapling! Hahaha. So I might maple with her. :D new world coming out! Been wanting to play ever since I redownloaded it (Maple anni!), but there's no one to play with. D:
IZZYYY! I'm earning 4mil per hour on Mob Wars! Hahaha. Catching up with you already yo! ;D
I'm so bored. Should've just gone for LDC and heck care how sick I feel. I agree with Lover! I wished there was school D: anyways, Chem remedial this Friday (and its hip hop instructor Crystal's birthday too!). :\ hope its actually a REMEDIAL and not like the last chem remedial we had in the theathrette with 3D. Not remedial-ish at all.
Thou shall not play Delph in Maple! QUINNNN! D:<
I want my earpiece sooooon :( I think I'll go get the pair Cheeteng has? Its super nice. But you REALLY can't hear a thing when using them. :o hahaha.
Council badges might not be sharp, but it still left a mark after ________. Hahaha... and remember me getting stabbed by it during the fire drill? Yeah. The dead skin thing's still there! :o that's really long. I guess its natural cuz I bled when it stabbed me. =.=
Don't do dumb things you dumbass.
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