G E E B E E ▲ ∆

Gwendolyn N.
26 years young, a dreamer struggling ever so slightly to not let the world's negativities consume her.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Love by lalafairie

I think this piece is awesome! And really really sweet ^^ All credits go to lalafairie @ deviantart.com. :D

Camp's tomorrow.
Hmm. I'll miss you A LOT Piggy! :((
(see, you didn't believe me so I posted it here. ^^)

For once, I'd rather go for sailing rather than go for camp. I'm serious aites. I don't think camp this time would be damn fun cuz my hopes of going to MOE Dairy Farm is dashed! D:

I'll miss all my sec4 seniors man. Not seeing them for 2 training sessions. Hawhaw. :(

I ran so fast that Mubarak complimented me after SWIMMING PT today! And he WASN'T being sarcastic. ^^ teehee!

Unicorn 4x100 B girls : 1ST FIRST!
Sailing 4x100 interCCA relay : 1ST FIRST!!! :D

The intercca thing was funny. Cuz when Ning passed the baton to Wenfeng, she was 4th. Then when Wenfeng passed it to me, he was 3rd (meaning he caught up with someone). When I passed it to David, I was 2nd (caught up with someone! :D) and when David ran to the finishing line, he was FIRST!

Well done! :D really happy. ^^

And well done to SYLVIA, JACELYN AND RACHEL DARLINGS from Unicorn B girls! :D yayyyyy we got first! So happy that we were hugging each other and squeeling like little girls being given lollipops. :]

Went for SWIMMING PT straight after that with the sailors while Ning and Peckkhee ran their 2nd heats for 4x100 B girls.

Got there and changed out with Drey. Wore our PE shirts over for fun! Hahah. Also wanted to see how long it would take the lifeguard to notice and tell us we couldn't wear it. Which, they eventually did. LOL.

Took out our shirts and jumped back into the pool! :D then Mr Nara and Mr Yeo dismissed them =.= wahkao. We just came then they tell us can go bathe and go home. PIANG EH! D:

Stayed in the pool a while longer with some other sailors. Kept challenging Aaron and Nic Wong/Yeow.

Took loads of underwater pics with Drey using Mrs Sidhu's waterproof camera. :D super fun! Kept laughing hahahaha! Then went for dinner with David, Iggy, Quin, Darren and Mubarak. :] played Guitar Hero III at the Sony shop after that. SUPER FUN! ;D sorry piggy cuz I stayed out so long and didn't call you back! :(

And oh! I wore specs in the hall this morning and Mr Lim was controlling himself from laughing! RAWR! How could you man! D: lol. Then everyone from 3E was all "GWEN YOU GOT NEW SPECS AH! SO CUTEEEEE! OMGOMG!" and stuffs. I was all "o__o *takes out specs*" hahah.

Got my medal with Iggy on stage today! :D thanks 3E. cuz they screaming when Mr Yeo announced my name position yadayada. ^^

Mr Tang's our new co-form! LOL. A bit surprised but oh well. :\ lol.

Told the class during CME today that my passion is for dance and Mr Lim said he wanted to learn breakdance from me! o__o please, I only know like what, 2 types of it la. :\ "I'll be the one breaking your bones instead la Mr Lim, cuz I learnt the moves I know by myself from youtube ^^" was the reply. :D

Don't miss me, okay? :D MUAAAAAHS! (o__o LOL)
And I still haven't decided whether to let you keep it for the whole camp. Hawhaw!

Took these two pics of my Rubik's Cube a while back. :D submitted the first one to my deviantart account gwend-n. Its pretty awesome right! :D I love my new camera. I didn't edit the color (or the softness of the pic) or the lighting of the pictures. :]

In the first pic you can even see the dust specks on my cube. :\ oh well!

And oh, idk why but suddenly people are talking about my birthday. Hoho! Its so damn far away yeah. :]]

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