G E E B E E ▲ ∆

Gwendolyn N.
26 years young, a dreamer struggling ever so slightly to not let the world's negativities consume her.

Friday, March 21, 2008



So annoying having my bro's friend over. Keep wanting to use the com. :(

And guess what? His name's Justin ONG. Again! Another Justin Ong. I now know 3 Justin Ongs. =.= its a small world after aaaall... itssss a smaaaaall world aaaaafter all.

Ooooookay. He just came into my room and asked me if I wanted some doughnuts. :\ how uh, nice. Only that he didn't knock my door so I tio shocked. HAHAH.

THIS Justin Ong even looks somewhat like the other 2 JO's I know.. short, hair shortshort and a bit spiky de, the eyes make them look like they're sleepy, and well, SHORT. Hahahahaaa.

And they got this "Justin Ong" face. o__o weeeeird.

I hate having a lil' brother. Rahhhhhhh! D:
Save me save me save meeeee ah!

I should just go meet David earlier for dinner with Darren. Hawhaw. Get me out of this house which is infested by pri5 kiddos. HAHAHA.

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