G E E B E E ▲ ∆

Gwendolyn N.
26 years young, a dreamer struggling ever so slightly to not let the world's negativities consume her.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Randomness- oh the joy.

Hello umbrella woman! I miss you!

To be truthful, I kinda miss my maid. Its like coming home without anyone is kinda suckish. Hahah. Was rummaging thru for pics to post when I saw a pic of her. Awwww come back soon! {cuz to be honest, my mom's a bad housewife.

The sky near my block always seems pretty. Wonder why. ;D

Realised my bro's birthday is in like what, 3days? (15th Feb) and I've not gotten the pencilcase I've been thinking of getting him. Happy be-earlied birthday Gerald, please grow older- mentally. ^^

Someone free on Wednesday to accompany this girl to buy a birthday present and a long-owed Christmas present?

AND V-day chocolates if I've got e money. $.$ :D
(Yes Ker I know I owe you a v-day gift. Will you be my valentine?)

Badabababaaaa, I'm Lovin' It!

Hallelujah to randomness olaye!

I loveeeeeee you! ;D

(told you randomness is bad. For health, and for Gwen)

Aww 14th Feb there's training. K not like I've got someone to celebrate V-day with besides girlfriends, so yeah. I'll spend time hoping I'm gonna get a nice crispppp sail like NSC11 or something for training. Oh the joy! OH THE CELEBRATION!

My boat's gonna be my date for V-day. ^^ hearts.
I MISS SIN412 D: and I heard Tanjong Katong's using it.

OMG. That's the worst decision anyone can make. Why, MOE? WHY?! My darling's gonna get trashed and ruined. D: *heartbreak*

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