G E E B E E ▲ ∆

Gwendolyn N.
26 years young, a dreamer struggling ever so slightly to not let the world's negativities consume her.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Nolita Fairytale.

Can't heaven be nicer to me? Not even one lil' bit? :\

Didn't do so badly for my Lit at all :D tho not highest in class (missed that by 3 marks! D:) but still.. 20/25 was AVERAGE, but much better than I thought cuz I totally didn't study for lit.

I was crying during lit la, cuz I told myself if I got 20 and below for lit I'd jump maan. And Ms Yeo was like reading the names from highest in class and mentioning the marks. When she said the names of those who got 20 I was crying already cuz she said that was the end of the list. Then she "Oh still got somemore. And lets not forget... Lianyi! Aaaaand.. Gwendolyn!" :phew: was hell relieved. Got my paper and I screamed. Bev there was like, *head turns and looks at me*. xD

And during recess Mr Lim was still telling me I wouldn't get A1 for Lit.. HAH MR LIM. I'VE PROVED YOU WRONG. Soooooo wrong maan.

But Ms Yeo didn't go thru the answers! I wanted to fight for marks so badly :\

Not happy with my history marks. IT PULLED MY SS History combined MARKS DOWN! I got a freaking nice A1 for SS, then history had to come along with a freaaaaking C-something- and pull down the marks. D: I hate you history!!!

Morning chit-chat with Mr Lim tomorrow.

Oh great, thanks the NEXT IN LINE of the things I wanted to happen in my life. =.= bet he's gonna ask me why I'm sounding so depressed and all in my blog. Ehhhhhs?! x.x

But he said I'm on his radar cuz I'm doing so badly.

HELLOOOO. Mr Lim I studied! But I always seem to black out during exams IDK WHY EITHER CAN. Is it my freaking fault that my brain tends to chose when it wants to work?

Actually, yes it is. =.=

I'm still pissed off. Okay maybe not a lot now. But I am still. GRRR.

Oh God, why'd you have to let these happen in my life? ... =.=

I'm still waiting to make my specssss! Grr.

And oh! I'm the only lunatic who would wear a BLACK JACKET to PE and sit in the field under the hot sun in it! Hoho. ;D did that today during PE and Ms Chew was like "Can you all take the cones here and why are you wearing a jacket take that off before you get heatstroke" all in one breath. PEI FU MAAN. :D

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