G E E B E E ▲ ∆

Gwendolyn N.
26 years young, a dreamer struggling ever so slightly to not let the world's negativities consume her.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008


Guess what? I'm in love with this teeshirt! I wanna get it tho its like $24.90. And I don't even know if its USD or not. Hahaha.

Met Weiming at the bus stop after school. He said "Quin, you taking 262 right? Ei youuuuuu! *looks at me* you taking 262 also right. Stop same stop as me right? I remember." I was like, "Eh? I don't remember taking bus with you leh wm."

Then he kept telling me he took bus with me before. But usually he takes at Bishan Park bus stop, IF there is someone to go home with.

He was like telling me not to get off at the same stop as Quin cuz he thought I was going home. But too bad! I was going to Quinneh's place today. *innocent smile*

Quin's house is so homey! I really liked it. Especially her messy storeroom/makeshift 'bedroom'.

I went back to my place after she was done, wearing her Vans school shoes! Aweeeesome. Its so comfy tho its like, only size 8. I'm wishing I could kidnap her shoes. I'm beginning to like them a lot now...

After I finished bathing we went to Iggy's place to eat our Macs that Iggy ordered. Qihua and Patrick were there. Ate and watched them play CS, Maple and o2mania.

Stayed there till 7plus and went to J8 to get *'s present.

Patrick was like "Aiyoh Iggy! * treats you so badly and you still wanna get him something like that?!" before we left and Iggy was all "No la its okay.. not like I wanted to fight with him anyway."

Homed while Iggy and Quin went for dinner.

I'm not going to school tomorrow cuz I'm going to make my IC! Which has been long overdued by 3 months. Patrick's birthday is on 26th April and he's already made his.

My birthday? 8th April, and I don't see my IC anywhere. Hahahaa.

And I'm going with Celine! Best! Hahaha. Might have dinner with our moms, another catching-up session. Gawd knows how much I missed her.

But cuz her mom can bail her out of school while my mom can't (well, she can. Except when that happens she's gonna be at my school at 8.30AM) so I won't go to school at all.

I envy AMKSians! Hahaha. And their greeny uniforms.

You know whats the dumbest thing someone could do while practising breakdancing?

Do a freeze with her hairband on.

Yes, that idiot was me. My hairband just poked into my scalp the moment I did the freeze. And I didn't even react fast enough. Just remained there and "Owwww"-ed while slowly coming back up. =.=

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