G E E B E E ▲ ∆

Gwendolyn N.
26 years young, a dreamer struggling ever so slightly to not let the world's negativities consume her.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Damn! Stupid idiot lah.. go rate my skin 0.5 with a "sorry", dropping it off the Top 15 rated list lah. DAMN! what the heck lor.. STUPID FLAMER ACCOUNTS!

Anyway, today my sailing skills like... IMPROVED? Like, really lah. Thanks to Mrs Sidhu's encouragement. She saw me and Quin in the toilet while we were applying sunblock, and she talked to me about her noticing that I got very scared, especially when going on Runs.

Actually its true that I'm afraid of the boat when going on a Run. The boat will become so shaky that you feel like capsizing every second. So imagine, on a trapezoid course, you'd have to go on Runs so many times! I would like to kill myself.

Okay, but really must thank Mrs Sidhu for all the encouragement! She asked me what I feared most, and what was there to loose? Since I was already like 116/123 for positions, whats there to loose when I cap? Just upright the boat and move, and if I loose positions, its okay because I was already right near the bottoin. She just told me to go for it and all... so yeah, thanks Mrs Sidhu for all that encouragement.

Through her encouragement, I realised that I actually listened to her advice! She told me to go near the start line and not to worry too much about OCS, and I did. Then I got such a good start that I was quite fast. I was so much better that during the race I could actually see Chee Teng when I was racing! Chee Teng appeared about 3 times infront of me and I was like "Huh? I thought Chee Teng should have sped off by now.. hmm..."

But anyway. Argh damn tired now... and yay Melody wanna learn electric guitar too! Maybe can go for classes with her.. wuahaha!


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