G E E B E E ▲ ∆

Gwendolyn N.
26 years young, a dreamer struggling ever so slightly to not let the world's negativities consume her.

Thursday, May 06, 2010


Looking forward to meeting the teenagers who work at Kidztime!
(Oh the irony in that sentence.)

We're meeting this Sunday and its gonna be awesome. What's so cool about these people is that most of us have have never worked with each other. Either that or we've only seen each other once or twice at work.

What else can I say other than the reason I'm not quitting this shitty, low-paying job is cuz of them! Ivanna, Darry, Spencer, Ciyun, Joseph, Nurul, Noraini, Sharifah! Whoohoo cheers to all the awesome people there. Mel too! Ah shouldn't have suggested that she quit after she found that new job at Ion :( Would've been more fun with her!

And yep I'm meeting these people! Plus Noelle and Landy I guess? If Darry asked them along for me. I've never met Landy! Hope it won't feel awkward.

Sadly Crappy Wifey Nana's not coming. :(

Oh! NURUL'S GONNA TREAT NANA AND I TO CLUBHOUSE! Heehee okay she said it when we were joking around FB but who knows. Anyway Spencer already suggested eating there this Sunday AH CAN YOU TELL/HEAR/SEE/SMELL THE ENTHUSIASM IN MY TYPING!?

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