G E E B E E ▲ ∆

Gwendolyn N.
26 years young, a dreamer struggling ever so slightly to not let the world's negativities consume her.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Stepping on dough

I love his smile!

I heard JYP is at risk of closing down and I am in disbelief! Just when I did so much research.. sigh. JYP don't do this to me! Also, if it closes down, what will happen to 2PM?

Can't stand this.

Mom just came back from her 1 day trip to Malaysia to eat durians at her friend's plantation. (My whole house reeks of the smell of durians cuz she brought back 3-buckets full.) I called her into my room earlier with the intention of her checking out the DPA courses.

She was asking me, "So what is it you want to do? I think you better ask your dad about this.."

I told her, "NO! Dad doesn't know ANYTHING about me. Talk to him for what?"

Then she said, "Neither do I (know anything about what you wanna do) what!"

She went out of my room, came back in a few minutes later, and she was like telling me, "I talk to you tomorrow about this okay? I'm very tired now..". I was tearing infront of her but she didn't notice. I was sitting right infront of her, and then she just noticed the deadline was 4PM tomorrow and walked out of my room.

Truthfully, what the hell do my parents know about me?

In English class when everyone was doing their presentations, I'd always feel weird when someone's topic was on family. I remember last week when Eleanore was doing her topic, I started tearing as she talked cuz the way she talks about her parents.. it sounds quite loving and warm.

I don't get how people can take their parents for granted, especially when their parents love them so much and encourage them to do what they want to do. These people just don't appreciate their parents at all and can complain to me about how their parents don't seem to love or care for them.

I mean, if your parents support your dream and give you things that will definitely help you along the way, why are you freaking complaining?

Why can't you just appreciate that your parents are there for you? They buy those things for you to support you, even when you've never asked for it? Its better than having parents who tell you your dreams are a joke and that doing something you like is NOTHING BUT A HOBBY, and complain when I buy things I need for dance/photography. If my parents supported me I'd be nothing but happy. Who the hell are you to complain?

(Omg I had to stop typing for a while cuz I'm tearing damn badly. I know I'm a crybaby, but pardon me just this once, alright?)

Even my aunt seems to be more supportive of me than my parents. It may not seem like it.. but I'm thankful for her being in my life.

Recently, I've been thankful I've had a group of friends whom have been nothing but supportive towards what I'm doing and what I'm fighting for. Thanks girls! I love telling them about my dreams cuz they NEVER laugh. Shirei will always tell me, "Don't support you? How to not support you? You're doing something you love! OF COURSE MUST SUPPORT LA!". Shirei, if you're reading this, you have no idea how much I fight back tears whenever you say that.

Then again.

To people who have laughed at me before, how would you feel if you told someone a dream that you've been trying so hard to achieve despite the opposition, and the person burst out laughing, telling the person next to them, "AHHHAHAHA GWEN WANTS TO GO TO KOREA IN THE FUTURE! Go to the what..? HAHAHAHAHA THE DUNNO WHAT COMPANY LA! HAHAHA!"

I just took 2 minutes for myself after typing that sentence and thought about what RollieDingo (my lovely Twitter friend) said to me before..

I'll prove these people wrong.

One day.. Even if what I wanna do is almost impossible, I can if I put my heart to it. I just know it! I won't be like the countless people who drop out because they can't stand having 2-3 hours of sleep everyday. I'll be doing something I love and enjoy.. so why not just give it my all?

Y'know what? Ironically, my topic for my presentation was, "What my ideal occupation would be".

p.s. Getting this baby tomorrow:

Aaron told me he saw it. So I'm getting it. Been hunting online and in SG for too long! Thank you Aaron!!

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