G E E B E E ▲ ∆

Gwendolyn N.
26 years young, a dreamer struggling ever so slightly to not let the world's negativities consume her.

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

When they say, "A Bunch of Good Friends are hard to Find"

Teachers' Day was a day well spent with you guys. I regret not baking earlier if not I would have made it back to ATS to see the new indoor sports hall + trampoline. Waikiong is too tall for his own good, can't believe the guy's 171cm when he was up to my shoulder 5 years ago. Finally, Nat! (exclamation mark proves its purpose) after 4 years! Eekeng ol' buddy is tall too. Oh, Junliang has hair now.

Ended up going to Ethel's place cuz everyone trudged home after lunch after being seemingly half-dead. HOGC was having a photography competition so YW and E were doing their shoots using E's DSLR and I helped with the editing.

Running for the last train with FYW never seemed this fun! Then again, walking home alone past 12 midnight WAS really freaky, especially since its "this month of the year!".

Going to Hope Church and Heart of God Church this Saturday. Can't wait!

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