G E E B E E ▲ ∆

Gwendolyn N.
26 years young, a dreamer struggling ever so slightly to not let the world's negativities consume her.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Everything links together somehow, like in the literature paper today

The Fear - Lily Allen

Stuck to this song.

Well, at least my parents tell me that (in a better way, of course).

So maybe its THAT stupid for your daughter to chase her dreams?
"Must have a degree first la!"


I'm scared of how I'm supposed to feel.
What's right, what's wrong?

I've not gotten a proper pair of running shoes since I was sec1, and every Monday's PT I use the same shoe I've been wearing since 4 years back. No friction, soles coming out. Finally got a new Adidas pair that I loved so much today, and Dad had to give me the not-happy face.
I thank you, you gave me what you call the "recession face".


I really miss how much time we had together.
I don't like changes, never did.
Why're we so busy?
Why do I feel like this is so screwed up?
You can say it, but can you prove it?

O's, BIG. FAT. O'S. Spoils everything.


I've been so busy lately. No time for this, that.

Been really, really upset recently.
Sailing juniors, feeling stressed out, problems with beloveds..

Even had gastrics today while sailing halfway cuz I had no time to eat! I missed the sailing bus even and had to call Yanling. Thank God they were nearby. And I wasn't done with my Chemistry remedial especially since Mr Lim was free enough to teach me the Mole Concept!


I feel so.. useless. How do I balance so much.

1 thing 2 do, 3 words 4 you.
I love you.

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