Some tag replies (;
i havent been tracking my tagboard lately, so yah. i'm rather lazy to go reply there. LOL.
Shriram: err. Lol?
yokeching: haha okay. see you then. Quite a while never see you already! -hugs-
JIAQi: haha. i'm not vulgar. dont worry!
Shocked: whoever you are, you must be in MFSS, judging from what you said. Tell me who you are and stop using anonymous names to tag. You dont get what I mean in the post. I didnt say i was proud of it. I just said I realised many things about my seniors and teammates.
And Mrs Sidhu can't be so blind so as to choose a person like me to be in SL or sailing right? Did i ever say I was vulgar? i hardly speak vulgarities. you dont get what I mean in my post. I ain't proud about my CCA in your sense, nor am I ashamed about it. I'm just posting what I feel about this camp as i've seen many people's true colors, and I'm kinda amazed. If you dont know what I feel or mean when typing that post, clarify before you speak. And so what if my CCA is vulgar? i dont think i should be ashamed for it as i like it for what it is and for the people. Dont doubt Mrs Sidhu, I know she knows what she's doing and she makes right choices. I agree, I'm not mature, but that doesnt stop me from being a good SL. I enjoy being a SL and a sailor and i put my all into doing what i have to for both. You can't doubt a person's ability like that. i dont think you should be too proud of DOUBTING Mrs Sidhu. She knows what she's doing, and if she knew i wasn't good for the team and at being an SL, she would have kicked me out and sacked me from both. I love my CCA. So you're saying, if my CCA was a vulgar CCA i should remain quiet about my CCA and not feel proud of being in it? If you say Mrs Sidhu made a wrong choice, you're saying she's made the wrong choice about many people. She's not blind you know?
Own up and tell me who you are. Stop chickening out with anonymous names. Own up who you are if you dare to.
Seraphina: haha i guess so bah. Hee.
Shriram: i agree with you. haha. but i dont get whatcha mean. Lol
`Regina: haha. sure (:
KERRIE: yah why shouldn't we? he seems nice. I think. Haha so you're going to hongkong. oh well, bonvoyage! (:
JIAQi: haha i did! :D
wennzhenn: lol! okay, i shall say i feel honuored! :D
.: why? he was quite good. i dont know why you say that.
caijingg: yah i'm going! :D thanks
june: hellos june! long time no talk. you going for the bs outing? hope to see ya (:
; elie --: yeah sure. hope to talk to you sometime online soon. (:
HUIWEN: haha why! its quite cute (;
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