G E E B E E ▲ ∆

Gwendolyn N.
26 years young, a dreamer struggling ever so slightly to not let the world's negativities consume her.

Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy new year's eve everyone!


Yup, its 31 December. And tomorrow, it'll be a whole new year. Really can't wait for school to start. Wanna know who our teachers will be. Most importantly I'm wondering who we'll get for Lit, Geog and History, and oh, Bio Chem combined. o.o


And oh,
Happy Be-earlied Birthday Jiaxuan and Jiaying! :D

They're turning 7 tomorrow! Awwww. Its not everyday your two lil' cousins grow up and head for primary school. (yeah told you I'm a crapper)

Mom's having some new year's party/gathering thing later. Yup, my childhood friends are coming over, with their Xbox. Kids, they'll always die without something electronic. And then the adults are gonna play their mahjong.

There goes my night of quietness. HAHA.

My neighbours have moved out already, as in, those that rented rooms at my neighbour's place or something. Took a group photo with the two of them. LOL. Think they're moving to somewhere around Queenstown..

Wondering if I should ask the sailors over tomorrow. Actually, not really. I've kinda got no mood. And its so last min.

And I've gotta get so many things done before school reopens! *pulls hair out*

Read Peckkhee's blog and realised Ms Cheng's back? OMGOMGOMG. Ahhhh I WANNA SEE HER IN SCHOOL K. MS CHENG!! *bolds, underlines, italic-s it* VISIT US IN SCHOOL K! :D

There goes my holidays. TATA 2007 AND HELLO 2008!

And oh, new year resolutions!
(sorry, everyone seems to do them on the last day of the year ei)

1. To top my class for Lit at least a few times (kinda impossible, but hey, I can dream right)
2. Like, GET As FOR GEOG AND HISTORY (a must k, A M-U-S-T!)
3. Spend more time studying
5. Stop arguing/quarrelling with randomperson1
6. To stop being a lazy pig and get all my homework done on time
7. Be a good-y councilor and whatever
8. GET AT LEAST A B FOR MATH. (its gonna kill me)
9. To stop obsessing over the littlest things (like scratches on my PSP T_T)

K I think someone's over for the party thing. Better change out of my home-ish pants. LOL.


p.s. I'm welcoming the new year just as everyone else is. 2008 is a nice number okay. HAHA. (see, told you I was crap)

p.s.s. I'm hungry.

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