G E E B E E ▲ ∆

Gwendolyn N.
26 years young, a dreamer struggling ever so slightly to not let the world's negativities consume her.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Hihiz!! Added some BoA songs like : ID;PeaceB / Track 7 from Best of Soul [I completely don't know what the name is... its in Chinese but I dunno whats the second word] / Shine We Are! / Double / Rock With You

All these songs are on my folder on ripway... just made an acc today =) FYI if the music can't play after you clicked 'play' it means its loading... please be patient!!!

Today Ethel sorta teased me for my way of laughing again... great!!!... not! I hate it when she does that... the way she mimiks my laughter is DEFINITLY NOT like the way I laugh... she laughs even worse than me but she doesn't realise it..

Anyway I had enough... I find that Yan Wen is going a bit overboard... she doesn't want me to sit with Ethel and the rest, doesn't want me to play with the group 'teiti' [poker card game] in class, even when I waited there for my turn to take over the looser!!! She makes me feel so upset and I can't take it anymore she doesn't wanna talk to me thats fine but that doesn't mean she can restrict what I do!!! She even didn't want me to take the shift for our pri 6 recess's Bargain Alley and whats the reason??? "Mr Low she cannot be cause she confirmed will be teased one!!!" [teased about you-know-what.. no need me to state!]... when Celine stays back she doesn't want me to stay back! On Monday Celine came to my house to use the comp and I was sitting beside her when Yan Wen asked her to stay back to eat lunch... when Celine asked "What about Gwen?" then Yan Wen said something like "Aiyar don't care lar she want to stay stay lor but she cannot sit with us, eat with us nor talk to us" this is absolutly HORRID!!! I didn't even treat her this way before... she's the one taking ME for granted now!!! I talked to her nicely trying to be friends again but all she does is plain ignore me all the time... WTF!!! Whats your prob??? You got loads of friends so loosing one like me is of no problem right??? Why can't she understand I just wanna be friends with her again? I guess not talking to her is like... un-standable... we've been friends from last year and its so weird that we're not talking to each other now and that she usually has a lot to say... Talking to her nicely is not gonna get her to be my friend again... she doesn't even want to reply! She called me bad words too... ok I know my temper since last year has gotten worse but theres no need for this right? Is trying to be friends again so hard??? Last year its me and Felicia and Ji Yin now its Yan Wen?!?! Schools gonna end in like a few days and from then on we won't be seeing each other.. I just wanna leave ATS with happy memories of sorts and not with memories about people not friending me, people quarelling... oh ya btw Yan Wen even said "Its ok anyway next year changing school" omg lor.... THAT proves that she doesn't want to keep in touch with me... but to me shes like such a good friend and not talking to her makes me feel so bored... she also never tease me liaoz then its like abnormal of her... feels so strange....................

I know that my temper or when I'm irritated or somesort makes me say or do things I never did before... this is what I can't control... what to do? This is my current nature and theres nothing I can do to change it... only for people to accept me for who I am but I think next year, thats gonna be near impossible!

Anyway diverting the topic [I know people reading this must be like... FINALLY!!!].... ok theres nothing much to update so whatdoiwannasay...........urm...... oh ya... darn the school... haven't even got back the class photos yet.. we paid the money but the photos are not coming [...]...

I updated the 'profile' of my blog... now I added my 'wants' cause I decided to mark what I want... but I noticed a letter 'X' in the font 'Impact' looks like the letter 'K'... weird... so its a letter 'X' NOT 'K' FYI...

Friday = ANOTHER EXCURSION!!! Yay.......... two thumbs down! Joking... but I bet its nothing much.. only going to HealthZone... but it'll be a bit interesting to me cause I've never been there before... my brother already been there for class excursion and he's only pri 2!!! The school really pian xin leh!!! But anyway need parent volunteer, Mr Low said if theres no parent volunteer we will be split into other classes!!! And 39 pupils split into 3 diff groups into 3 diff classes... thats like... hell no it can't happen especially if you land in a class with your partner... oh wait I remember.... 39 / 3 = 13... not an even numba... oh shucks.. but if you and your partner land in a group of 13 where theres only 2 girls and 11 boys its hell.. but Mr Low won't be so bad hor?

*Wondering if I'll end into an unfriendly class...???*

Anyway today after school I missed the 162 which Celine and Yan Wen was on cause I followed Felicia to 7-11 [Shan Ai and Derrick kai de dian!!! Shan Ai register numba is 7 while Derrick's is 11.. woohoo!] ... then as I waited for the next bus it seems pretty crowded... so I decided to walk home through the park behind Felicia's condo which is Bishan Park... so I walked there and halfway through theres a bridge connecting the park and the road... so I decided to talk the bus and walked across the bridge and to the same bus stop where I was waiting with Felicia for the bus.... stupid hor?!?! I can't believe I made one round just to catch another 162!!! But then there was lesser people there [I missed like 2 162s while walking to Felicia's house and through the park].... argh...... Felicia will laugh her head off when she finds out... stupid sia.... anyway Felicia's condo is right beside BPSS [Bishan Park Secondary School] so thats how I walked through to the park and made a HUGE round just to go back to the same bus stop [nearest to BPSS that bus stop]... stupid lor!!! Anyway if I walked home through there it'd take me about 30 mins... and if I sit on the bus its about 20mins and theres air-con [I was sweating like siao] and if I walk it makes me feel so lonely cause no people there as it was drizzling [but I was sweating all the same]....

anyway maybe I'd post later bb...............................

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