G E E B E E ▲ ∆

Gwendolyn N.
26 years young, a dreamer struggling ever so slightly to not let the world's negativities consume her.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

i'm finally going swimming after like such a long time! :D going with Celine. lol.

then after that i'm going to cut hair. yay! haha. finally get to cut after like 1 week of arguing with myself whether my hair is too qiao. haha.

today i actually woke up at 8.30am lah! wow. then i went to tuition quite okay. about 9.10am i reached, cos this week Celine woke up late, which is unusual, cos usually its me who oversleeps. then when i'm actually on time for once, she's late -_-

mr phua today quite funny. he told us about how he's short tounged (cant tell leh. as in seriously cant tell. but he said he was trained), and that last time when he was younger he woke up in the middle of the night, then he knocked on his grandma's door saying "po po, bing chu you gui." in english it means "grandma, there's a ghost in the fridge."

then cos his grandma is those superstitious type of people, she woke up like all his aunties and uncles and got them to go open the fridge to see the 'ghost'.

when they opened the fridge he pointed at one corner, saying "po po, nor, na li you gui! *points*" meaning "there, theres the ghost!"

he actually meant to say "po po, bing chu you SHUI." or "grandma, theres water in the fridge."

lol. but cos he's short-tounged he cant pronounce the word "shui" properly and it came out as "gui". but heng they didnt get mad at him for that lol. they just got really panicky, then made a joke out of it. poor mr phua, he says until now he's still being teased about it.

he kept calling himself "phua the diablotic (i forgot how to spell the word) magnificent" near end of the class. then later when we were leaving the class dunno who called him sadistic, then he said "ah! yesyes, thats the word i've been looking for! yesyes the word's sadistic. 'Sadistic, diablotic magnificent phua :D" -_-

okay going to meet celine to swim liao. heh. seeyahs!

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