G E E B E E ▲ ∆

Gwendolyn N.
26 years young, a dreamer struggling ever so slightly to not let the world's negativities consume her.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

I guess I'm not really updating my blog now. Haha. But like I've always said, realityworks.blogspot.com won't be abandoned :D all the good times and the bad times yo.

IF you want my livejournal account, ask me for it yeah. Best if you use lj too. ADD ME ADD ME! :]

update: still coughing like crazy. Taking 4 different medicines a day after every meal. Wondering if my issues with my juniors are REALLY resolved (when will they ever be?). Our clocks are in standstill motion; we're not getting anywhere.

Nadya jiejie's back in Singapore for Azaha gege's wedding. :] really happy for him that he finally found someone he's settling down with. I WANNA BE AN AUNT SOON OKAY AZAHA GEGE! :X hahaha. Kidding. But yeah, you're finally getting married! :D

Having badminton session tomorrow downstairs with Celine and Rach! :D my best buds from pri school man. Hahah. Miss them like hell already ever since we met in Shanghai, which was most probably the coolest thing that could've happened to 3 besties man :D

Note: GREENTEA ICECREAM AND SWEETS are like the world's most addictive thang. I keep kope-ing the green tea sweets me and mom brought back from China xD hellofanicething. Mom bought 2 boxes of the green tea ice cream ah-m gave us at Jiawen's birthday party.

And aww my pretty girls are grown up! Its like in the blink of an eye, and they're going to primary school. When I asked Jiaxuan she could even tell me "Methodist Girllllllls." in her cute voice OMG LA. Love her like hell. Hurry grow up so we can go out together girl! :D shopping with her in future would be damn fun I guess. Hurhur!

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