G E E B E E ▲ ∆

Gwendolyn N.
26 years young, a dreamer struggling ever so slightly to not let the world's negativities consume her.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Kelly: lols okay (:
szehoe: what you talking about? hahas
jocelyn: haha okays!
Rachel SEET: omGOSH! RACHEL 4!!! Hahaha whoops! xD
-voodoo-: HELLOS DARL! haha :D
syd: hey! (:
michelle: POOF POOF POOF! :D poof, and michelle was GONE. omgosh. WHERE ARE YOU! -lameness- (:
peckkhee: hellos packchili! :D
nicolette: jiayous too. and it WAS a success right. hahas. I went back earlier than you all remember! I had to go to malaysia. =/
daphne: HELLO DAPH! :D
yeenah: lol. Agreed.
yeongdeng: hahas. I'm starting to like green! :D
ben: o.0 oh. okay. LOL
WG: HAHA. okay... FFVII:AC! Whoo!
caijingg: hahas okay! (:
june: JUNE-Y! lol. Why is it that everytime you tag me I go JUNE-Y! LOL
shanai: that person is lame.
Kelly: rah. Who says so. I like your skins! (:
daphs: o.0 LOL? haha
chox: LOL?
KERRIE: hehs. Sorry lah! (:

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