G E E B E E ▲ ∆

Gwendolyn N.
26 years young, a dreamer struggling ever so slightly to not let the world's negativities consume her.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Timbre Old School

Smoked salmon pizza!

Yum tum tum I love ;)

Trying on Bev Yap's shades

Bev Goh's sexy face. HAHAHA

My virgin trip to Timbre Old School.

What a noob right? Yes I know. And someone tell me why my girls are so pretty haha jealoussss.

Anywho, new banner! Do y'all like it? Supposed to be temporary but oh well I think I like it!
Can't get enough of solar systems/stars. ;)

Time to get ready to meet Cia and Beanie for XLB buffet at NEX's Crystal Jade! Then hopefully I can go dance after but since they booked the buffet at 8pm I highly doubt I'll have enough time to go to *SCAPE but I miss my dancers! :'(

Been feeling a bit more insecure than usual about my weight.

I know it's stupid but sometimes comments get to ya, ya know??

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