You know what? I should just play the server Aaron asked me join him in cuz Cheeteng and Jack are there too.
Meeting Ker at 8.30am at Thomson Plaza for breakfast, then mugging session till 4pm. I shall die. I really shall. LOL.
I really wanna watch them play. :( but its at 12pm! Oh well, shall see how.. no who-hows, jie is really happy for you. And oh YL too! Childhood friends since babies ;D
A bit jealous too.
But ah well I gave up badminton since pri6..
And yes the little bugger is wearing MY shades! >:\
*bangs head on leg*
I need to calm myself down before I go mad. I seriously think so lor.
Qi came over to do the OBS Munshall tee today! :D came up with one design, but absentmindedly forgotten the rest of Munshi and Marshall's names! :( so we need to gather more info from Farah, WHO'S BEEN MIA-ING FROM MSN! D:< style="font-weight: bold;">101092832KG from that.
(depressing much..)
But on a brighter side, I (miraculously) GOT JOE JONAS'S EMAIL. Hahaha, going to their broadcast websites do pay off cuz they've got fans spamming his email all over. But nah I'm not a crazy fangirl of his (tho Joe Jonas IS cute).. hahaa.
Should watch the episode of when they did a broadcast and someone asked if Joe knows the Muffin Man! Thats effing funny and bloody-hell cute!
Seriously tired now cuz its 1.12am. Goshhhhh I'm gonna get me PANDA EYES!
Shall go read Breaking Dawn. Mom! I want my hardcover version soon pretty pl0x? :3 hahaha. Hello, my MOM doesn't mind me getting a 40bucks hardcover book! :o
I know you don't care.
You only care when I have something to give you, no? :)
The only reason we (used to) talk was cuz I gave in.
Even so, I'll still forget you. Lalala.
Anyways I was nothing to you; only someone to get her feelings toyed with.
I can still remember the past. Now when I think back, why did I let you have it your way ALL THE TIME?
Cried enough already.
Lets just hope you're treating your current girlfriend well. :):)
She's much prettier anyways.
(good cuz she won't need your constant reminder how ugly she is)
Just can't believe that.. instead of helping your good friend you got together with his target? Thats just effing weird.
People always told me you weren't worth MY love and effing time.
Weren't worth my TRUST. (oh, fuck that)
Told me I should go for the other guy, whom I gave up liking cuz I liked you.
Didn't believe them.
But I've heard enough. Maybe I should just be good and listen for once.
I wasn't born dumb you know. ;)
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