Monday, December 31, 2007
Happy new year's eve everyone!
Yup, its 31 December. And tomorrow, it'll be a whole new year. Really can't wait for school to start. Wanna know who our teachers will be. Most importantly I'm wondering who we'll get for Lit, Geog and History, and oh, Bio Chem combined. o.o
And oh,
Happy Be-earlied Birthday Jiaxuan and Jiaying! :D
They're turning 7 tomorrow! Awwww. Its not everyday your two lil' cousins grow up and head for primary school. (yeah told you I'm a crapper)
Mom's having some new year's party/gathering thing later. Yup, my childhood friends are coming over, with their Xbox. Kids, they'll always die without something electronic. And then the adults are gonna play their mahjong.
There goes my night of quietness. HAHA.
My neighbours have moved out already, as in, those that rented rooms at my neighbour's place or something. Took a group photo with the two of them. LOL. Think they're moving to somewhere around Queenstown..
Wondering if I should ask the sailors over tomorrow. Actually, not really. I've kinda got no mood. And its so last min.
And I've gotta get so many things done before school reopens! *pulls hair out*
Read Peckkhee's blog and realised Ms Cheng's back? OMGOMGOMG. Ahhhh I WANNA SEE HER IN SCHOOL K. MS CHENG!! *bolds, underlines, italic-s it* VISIT US IN SCHOOL K! :D
There goes my holidays. TATA 2007 AND HELLO 2008!
And oh, new year resolutions!
(sorry, everyone seems to do them on the last day of the year ei)
1. To top my class for Lit at least a few times (kinda impossible, but hey, I can dream right)
2. Like, GET As FOR GEOG AND HISTORY (a must k, A M-U-S-T!)
3. Spend more time studying
5. Stop arguing/quarrelling with randomperson1
6. To stop being a lazy pig and get all my homework done on time
7. Be a good-y councilor and whatever
8. GET AT LEAST A B FOR MATH. (its gonna kill me)
9. To stop obsessing over the littlest things (like scratches on my PSP T_T)
K I think someone's over for the party thing. Better change out of my home-ish pants. LOL.
p.s. I'm welcoming the new year just as everyone else is. 2008 is a nice number okay. HAHA. (see, told you I was crap)
p.s.s. I'm hungry.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
1Endeavour'06 gathering! :D
K, the class gathering's today. Kinda no mood to get ready for it and stuffs cuz I'm like still super sleepy and whatevers. Thanks to the orientation la. Haha.
Well, 1i turned out to be a super success! :D its like damn cool. Our finale (to me) was like THE best. So proud of them. First day was crap and tiring cuz 1i was not even enthu till after the school tour. But still, they weren't enthu to an extent.
So yesterday totally rocked! Thanks to 1i. :D they finally decided not to be so paiseh and stuffs. I was worried about the finale item cuz we didn't practice or rehearse it at all, only the 2 cheers. The last 3 items were like LAST MIN ADD ON while we were waiting for the other classes to finish. ^^ so I'm glad they were damn loud!
Went to enjoy a (fattening) meal at AMK Central Macs with Jody and Yokechingggg! xoxo. Hahah. Then ya we went to Hub to walk around. Of course, super sian again la, AMK Hub is like BOOORING.
Then when we were walking past this nail salon thingy, 3 people rushed out from Coffee Bean and ran towards me. DAVID, RYAN AND IGGY! :D hahaha. Talked to them. Sorry Yokeching and Jody, cuz I felt like I was ps-ing you guys. :( went NTUC with them to get their drinks etc, then waited with Yokeching for her bus.
Went to find a place in Hub to sit down and Iggy started mixing the drinks they bought. o.o the color was SICK! Soya Bean Milk, Winter Melon Tea, Grass Jelly drink.. idk what else la. The color was like blackish-brownish, still got the grass jelly below. Then they decided to go to Macs and take sugar, pepper and salt o.o eeeeew!
Went to the void deck of a HDB block, opposite Macs. Then sit at the internation chess thingy table o.o HAHA. Like ah-sohs! Then they put in the sugar pepper etc. Looked like shit, or, mushroom soup =.=
Met Iggy's friend Jason. I think he's a sailor also la, can see. Sailors just have this, "look". Then yeah he IS a sailor. Hahah. He's got so many earholes! LOL so cool. And he's quite funny.
Then we were playing the number game we always play during sailing events when we have to drink water/eat more food. LOL funny. Then Jody zhong like 5times. =.= haha. Poor girl! Then they played with a condom =.= disgusting! Jason blew it up and started rubbing it against us cuz got the lubricant thingy, then I was sitting beside him AND HE RUBBED IT ON MY ARM!!! Eee!!
When we were left with less than half a bottle of the drink, the guys went to put it in the condom. WTHHHH. Then they threw the condom (filled with the drink) on the floor, but it didn't burst. Then it started leaking OMFG LA ITS DAMN FUNNY. Should've seen Iggy and Jason's face when they went to pick it up. Then me and Jody went to hide behind the wall. LOL. Then when I was walking out JASON THREW IT AT ME!! Dodged it and IT BURST. Hahahaha.
Went home around 11.30pm-ish. o.o my mom was like "Curfew time, you past it. Next time past curfew time you ownself find a key to get in ah." but she never unlock the door for me o.o then I "OH YA! I got house keys with me NOWWW. Ha ha ha." then she started laughing. When I tried unlocking the gate, I realised THE GATE WASN'T LOCKED. Wth. LOL please.
Yeah, me and Lianyi are gonna be sitting together in school. HOW COOL IS THAT K. And its like during orientation we must've been like the craziest mentors ever, and then we're gonna sit together in class.. WOAH. :D
We're gonna be the craziest girls in 3Endeavour! OH YEEEEAAAAAAH!
Can't wait for school. Again its only for the uppersec blouse and looser skirt! Hahahaaaaa I'm total crap. But yeah! UPPERSEC SKIRT/RECESS FTW! LOL.
Ahh gotta get prepared. Meeting the girls at 12 to settle everything about the gathering. Haha. Still in the sleepy mood. And my voice has gone hoarse. D:
Sorry Nicolette about not wanting to book the BBQ pit. I mean, its like quite mahfan tho we have more time to waste and more space. But you think about it, having it at my place is easier. And we don't have to worry about starting the fire etc right. So yeah, Jody and I found it much easier to have it like that. Really sorry k! And sorry about your mom scolding you.
p.s. THREE CHEERS AND THREE CHEERS AND THREE CHEERS FOR GENGTAO!!! HIP HIP, HURRAY! HIP HIP, HURRAY! HIP HIP, HURRAY! :D thankyou Gengtao for organising and bearing with all the crap during orientation. GENGTAOOOO WE LOVE YOUUU. :D
Thursday, December 27, 2007
ni haoooo!
Really sleepy now. GAHHHHH. Sec1 orientation really sucked out all the life (and voice) in me. Wahkao. 1Integrity is great la, but at the start they were super siansian that kind. 6 (or how many? I remember Louis, Bryan, Ruixiang and Leon.. got 2 more idk names teeheeees) of the gamemasters could be wayyyy louder than them. *bangs wall*
Got damn pissed off. Especially me and Angie. Cuz we were teaching them the MF cheer, and they didn't wanna do and stuffs. Super sian people! Really wanted them to get hyper so called Gengtao over. The moment she came over THE WHOLE CLASS HYPER-ED. Wtf? Me and Angie got so pekchek we almost cried. I was like, gonna tear le k. =.= bloody hell. Angie was like, "What the hell? What is this? What is their problem?!" then we stared at each other. Sighsigh!
Went to kachiao sailors during lunch break. ^^ all haven't eat lunch then me and Bryan bring our food there. They were like "omg we haven't eat yet" then when the girls saw my food they were like "Nahhhh I'm never gonna eat this!" =.= lol.
They were doing agility test! And the uhhh, mirror. I WANNA DO ALSO CAN. The agility test looked fun. I was like sianning around then looked up and Justin was lying on the floor o.o then he started doing the test. Thought he was siao till I noticed the people after him also lie on the floor before jumping to a start =.= hahaaa.
26 aircons in the whole hall including stage in total! :D hahaha. I got so hyper. Me and Yokeching were like "Aircon yeah we got airrrrrrcon omg its so cooooool uh-huh!" haha. Then the sec1s in my class were staring at me (:o like this).
Had AAR (After Action Review! or something?) in the hall.
The aircon was alrd off. Piang ei, then the doors were still closed! Bloody stuffy k. Then we still played VIRUS and had the whole class cheer thing inside there. And during the AAR, it got too stuffy that Jody was suffering :( she said she felt stuffy and she couldn't breathe and she wanted to puke.
Nicholas (Tan, right?) who was A I/C for 1I also was like "omg you want to puke ah?" in Chinese. Then Jody started to bite her finger cuz she felt so terrible! She pinched her arms till the nail mark quite obvious can. D:
Mr Cheng's fault, talked so long can. I raised my hand cuz Jody was like cannot tahan but she'd rather wait for Mr Cheng to finish talking (which btw, he never did). Told Derick then he was like,
"Oh ehhh wait a while la, Mr Cheng talking."
"Why? Do you have some feedback?" then I
"She's not feeling well."
"Oh, you wanna go outside walk walk? *uses two fingers on his left hand to make like legs liddat walking*"
Jody: *nods head*
Then I stood up with her and she almost collasped backwards! D: she stepped on someone's hand/foot lol. She was literally staggering out of the hall :( omg.
After AAR (when we came back from Jody washing up in the toilet, Mr Cheng was still talking and Jody was like "HENG AH I never wait for him to finish talking!"), went with Edward and Bryan to find the sailors in I&E Studio.
As usual, monkeys! Hahaha. They were playing with the Wordpad or something, then Quin typed (( TARGET )) and the guys were seated in a row infront of the screen (like at cinema) and throwing this ball at the overhead projector screen thingy. Damn funny, most missed. Hahah. Then "U nubs. I pwned u" came on the screen above the (( TARGET )) thing. Then Justin took the ball and threw it at the word and hit it. Then he was all "HAHAHA Quin I pawned you la you noob!" =.= lameeee.
They kept doing that (suddenly the words shrank to font size 3 maybe.. then suddenly to size 300, then target change to "O", then the word "TARGET" could move up and down [the guys missed like hell for that one]...) till Mr Yeo came in LOL.
Aircon in the I&E Studio was freezing. Me and Edward sit behind like gna die. I had my handy trusty BLACK SL TEESHIRT with me (scared that I heard wrongly mah) and used it like a jacket. Edward used his spare PE shorts.
And oh, the new PE shirt? SUCKS LIKE HELL MAN. I tell you, I'm like, NEVER. I mean NEVERRRR gonna wear that shitzz. It looks like ATS's PE shirt k. And its uglaye. I WANT MY UNICORN PE SHIRT BACK LA. Wth. Uglyuglyuglyyyy! :((
Had the dry run crap for the sailing slideshow. Then Ryan kept joking around and Mrs Sidhu kept scolding him. Then took so long till we left school at 7pm+! LOL first time after a PT-only day the sailors reach home so late I guess.
Ryan and Belle were eating the leftover beehoon packs from the orientation. Those who left the place later took home the food. I didn't ^^ haha. Justin and Weiming took home like the plastic bag. Equals to about 6+ packets of beehoon/rice inside? Woaaaah.
Kope-d the beehoon from Ryan while outside the school gate. EEE SO COLD! D: I was like grabbing his chopsticks then poking at the egg =.= then eat the beehoon. David also took some. LOL. Then Ryan dowan ask me throw away the box thingy. I heckcare and pushed it back to him and screamed damn loudly "wahlao ask me throw? zhe ge shi NI DE food k!!" xD
Left with Ryan, David, Isabelle, Nic and Edward. [: haha. Walked to bus stop with Nic, Ryan and Belle. DAVID AND JACK TOOK TAXI HOME K.
Left Belle at the bus stop T_T cuz 262 came earlier. Ahhh sorry Bellebelle dearest! :((
Went home and was like dead tired. Almost slept on the sofa at 9pm after dinner! Then I reminded myself, haven't bathe, cannot sleep.
Asked dad to buy small fries and McFlurry from Macs for me. Fuck (ps), its damn fattening. I'm hating myself grrrrr! At 10pm+ then eat them. K I'M GONNA LIKE GAIN A MILLION POUNDS K.
Can't wait till school reopens, only for 4 reasons:
3. I wonder who's that "guy teacher" who's our form? Heard that co-form is Mdm Loh =.=
K, gonna bathe now and wish my fats would like, DISAPPEAR like magic shit.
Then I'm gonna sleep. Dead tired already. Zzz.
Orientation KILLS.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
ni haoooo!
I seem to have mood.
Happy/pissed/whatevers: Post in Blogger
Happy/pissed/whatevers: Post in Livejournal
Actually, theres no diff.
Spent the whole day literally infront of the computer. Buahahahahaaa. Didn't touch maple today, and idk why. Yokeching lover never play. HAHA.
Overslept for the Sec1 orientation dry run thing. Wahkao. :( sorry Angie, Rieka and Lianyi! Ahhhs. Cuz I woke up at 8.30am (idk why I set my alarm so early can, the thing was at 10am), "Ahhh wth. Headache....... -plomps-" =.= went back to sleep hoping I would wake up at 9.30am. But I always fear myself when I go back to sleep. Cuz I'll always wake up 1-2hrs later.
And, I did. =.=
So smsed Gengtao, but she replied quite late. Yokeching thought I was there already lol. She went for band la.
Met Nicolette and Jiaqi later at 3plus and they came over to do the board thing for the class gathering that says "YOU ARE OUT!" did the words "you are" in LUMINOUS PINK (k thats damn purple) and "out" in LUMINOUS GREEN. Against this black board. When we were buying the green and pink paper thing it was like so bright when we pulled it out from the shelves. HAHA.
Finished it! :D and Nicolette brought it home cuz she's bored and she wants to outline the words in black even though the board IS black. Hahah. They left around 5plus cuz Jiaqi had to rush home. Went to AMK Central Macs to meet Jody and Syafiqah.
The moment we (me and Nicolette) went there, Syafiqah had to go. EEYER!!
Went to hub to buy bubble tea. HAHA. Wanted to buy chocolate milkshake with strawberry jelly (wahkao, fattening please), then Nicolette reminded me that that time when I bought it I was regretting spending extra 30cents on the jelly cuz I couldn't taste it. Then Jody agreed that chocolate taste too strong blahblah. End up I quickly told the lady I didn't want it, then I literally laughed like crazy cuz the lady gave me this funny face and started to arm-chio.
Walked around looking for present for Secret Santa for class gathering. But didn't wanna buy anything cuz I don't wanna spend the 50bucks note- BLUE NOTE K. Haha. Then Nicolette went home. Walked around somemore with Jody. Kept making circles around level 2! Damn sian. Walked past Minitoons like God knows how many times k.
Then decided to go home. While Jody was waiting for bus I was like "Oh ya hor! NO WONDER TODAY SO SIAN. We never go basement! All the shops there for us to shop can!" then she "You wanna go? ^^ I don't mind." then I was like "Waiting for bus le.. ah nevermind. Hahah." =.=
Walked home. Super sian.
Jiaqi said the way I tied my hair today makes me look like a jap, or Dawn Yeoh. =.= HAHAHA WHATEVS. Cuz I tied up some hair and let down two bunches and put them infront. Hahah.
Ahem. Very hungry! Ahh.
Gonna eat dinner now. AND ITS 9.58PM! LOL I'm a winner k.
Hohoho, Merii Kurisumasu!
Maybe cuz here can post pictures. Hahah!
-Celine, Rach and meee. xoxo.
Celebrated Christmas at Clarke Quay.
Had gift exchange! We were like damn retarded, sat at the staircase of this prettaye bridge the Mediacorp dramas always film at (lover scenesss.) and closed our eyes. Started singing "Jingle Bells" while passing around the presents! Hahahaa. RETARDED-xoxos!
The cake we bought for Christmas from AWFULLY CHOCOLATE, Rach's workplace. :D yummy. Except we couldn't finish it.. then diu diao (throw away in the dustbin) D:
You know what? Christmas makes me feel so.. fat. AND YES, January got height and weight taking. Piang ei, sure gain a lot of weight. So I must go and jogjogjog! RAHHHHH. :/
Hahah I've never seen people LAZY TO CAMWHORE can. Threesome's the first. Hahahah! :] airen's! Teehee.. Celine was like "Ei must take picture k!" then Rachel "Huh..? Aiyahhh. Dowan la. Lazy.." :D
We're like eating all the sinful stuffs during Christmas. Hmm.
This year I received damn little presents for Christmas! Nothing from dad and mom. Hahah, cuz they counted the PSP Slim me and Gerald shares as our Christmas prez. :( ah sad.
- da gu ma for the lovelaye wallet/clutch thingy, Singapore Idol contestant Daphne's new album, and handphone keychains! :D
- xiao gu ma for the nice slingbag. :}
- Celine for the.. Laurier pad (=.=ness.) and the FERRERO ROCHE! xoxo girl!
No Christmas presents from anyone else hmm. Maybe tomorrow I'll receive some? But I've not bought Christmas presents for the people I wanted to! Ah dang..
Its 3.50am, and there's sec1 orientation DRY RUN tomorrow! AHHHH. So gonna be a zombie k. I've been sleeping damn late recently. All the pimples and eyebags coming out le. SAD.
Didn't have dance practice on Sunday cuz Maqrius had a performance. OMG LA. Never ask us to go watch! :( then till now kor hasn't told me when the next practice will be. WAHKAO. I wanna dance k. Feeling damn fat now from Christmas goodies. Ahhhhh man.
And oh! I tried using Windows Movie Maker to make this sound thing. Combined the songs I liked for dance, and did like a mix of them. Used "Step You" by Ayumi Hamasaki, "Anonymous" by Bobby Valentino, and for the finale- "Woman Friend" by Chromeo! :D it turned out pretty good. Hmm. Surprising for a noob sound mixer like me.
But those used by hiphopers like Nam Hyun Joon (omg I love him. AHHH) and his crew Cyborg G is like.. nice k. Haha. And all those used for dance competitions.
Oh. Tied up my hair, then I realised the top of my hair now naturally spikes up again after uncle Ken helped me to cut again! :D OMG YAY. No more wax needed I guess. Ahha! :] but when I messed up my hair a lil' bit more..
.. I looked like Miss Durianhead.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Cut my hair today-
メリークリスマス (merii kurisumasu)!
LOL. k back to story.
Went to cut my hair with Nicolette today! Haha. Then uncle Ken cut her hair shorter. When he snipped off her hair chunk by chunk I was like "ouch!" can see from her facial expression that she was thinking the same. Hahah.
Hmm my hair still looks the same tho. Ah sad. LOL. Not much of a diff la, just layered and cut thinner. And now the top of my hair's spikable again! YAY!
Didn't go out with the sailors today. Ah, pangseh-ed Luo. SORRY SENIOR! She had something to give me la. Then I didn't go. Lazy, and I had no moneh! Iggy called me and was like "Ei where the hell are you?" "Why? At home la." "LOL! Wth la you're supposed to meet us at 1pm la bitch." "Yeah. Izzit? Yeah. Hahah." "Its 1pm now laaaa." I thought we were meeting at night.
So yeah. Spent the day with Nicolette, watching youtube vids (I think I bored her out) and discussing the BBQ pit thing for the 1E'06 gathering.
Oh, 1Endeavour'06 people, please check this out:
Yeah. Updates of class blog there. And please make the tagboard more lively. Hahah thanks. Cuz Jiaqi's wanting the chipmunks disc =.=''' haha.
Wanna form a dance crew. Ahh. I think it'll be damn fun. But I think Pamela they all in my dance class are GONNA be part of the dance crew with me o.o since Maqrius's making us think of a group name already. + Group signature move or something. Wahkao cheem!
Blahlalalaaa, I love hiphop. YEAP! :D
I think I'm starting to like Poppin' Bora just as much. :D
You ruined my Christmas.
A perfect, lovely Christmas.
With just a few insensitive comments.
So, is a video game y'all.
We're takin' this shitz nowhere.
Wake up.
Sayonara boy.
& to that other you,
Stop being so sarcastic. We're just literally acting close I guess. I'm beginning to dislike you. Whatever shit you're doing, I'll tell you: I'm condemning your actions. All this shitzz literally happened cuz of you. Noobcake shitazz. Yeah, you're a part of this too. Btw, you're being bloody sarcastic to that person. You know who I'm talking about.
& to another person,
Whatevs. People are telling me different sides of you. You've changed, I've changed. EVERYTHING'S changed. You used to complain about so much, and suddenly, you're just like her! WOAH. No offence, but I think you're a hypocrite. Yeeeaah. Sometimes I really can't stand you. Why tell me this when behind someone else's back you're sprouting so much other negative rubbish, the total kind of rubbish thats OPPOSITE of what you told me. Thats reeeally nice of you, if you didn't notice. And yeah, I'm not appreciative of that.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Just checked Studio Wu's webpage and saw their banner. CODE:EDGE! Omg I wished I had gone, its at ZOUK! So, so, so its like I can't go right? :( ahhh bummer. Whats special about is that...
DANCE 2XS WERE THERE! You know you know, I posted a vid of them up right? With Marty Kudelka? YEAH! Gigi Torres, Patrick Chen and the last guy I forgot.. Lee something. I don't take much notice of him. Lee Daniel. LOL. Opps. Okay I'm gonna bug Maqrius about it. I think he's already back from his overseas trip laaaa. And I bet he went to watch them. BUMMER. Bug him to help me find videos for it. HMPH!
Okay I'm not cooled down yet.
Haven't been called to go to work. Fuck. I have this feeling after I fell sick the last time and had to call Tina to inform her, she must have gotten all fed-up.
Hello? If I don't work somemore, I'm going to get like only 66bucks for my pay?! FUCK MAN. Ros and Luke and the rest will get like 300 over maybe. And I'll be the only one getting 66bucks?! Tina had better call me to work soon. I'M NOT GONNA BE HAPPY GETTING ONLY 66BUCKS CAN.
I've got 1million and 1 things to get pissed/mad at now. Life's screwing up k. UGH!
Listening to my dance playlist on Probably the only thing that'll cheer me up now. Geez. I'm so tired already from all the shit bombarding me k. Bloody hell. Tell 'em all trouble makers tha go bang a #$#@^$% wall and die kthxbye.
Lee Min Young!
And her live performance! :D
I like the routine in this vid. Quite nice k. Hahah.
Ahhhh. K I'm gonna post more vids on SNSD's new MV later. Shall go video surfing now :D hahaha.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Things happen for a reason.
Hmm. How to start. Maybe some brief updates? :D
And his name is NEO Weesin! :D he's my new dance partner for the couple choreography. He's so cute please, brown hair and all. 3 earholes on his left ear I think. He pierced at the bone there, ouchs, and one inside. Crazy DDR (Dance Dance Remix) player who jumps around like crazy and plays EXPERT mode. He's uber cute! ;] omgggg. And I love his Nike shoes. Dunks, are they? They're a lovelaye shade of red and white and black. Aweeesome.
And the ending's uhm, REALLAYE PAISEH! The guys will drop to the floor after literally spinning, then the girls pretend there's this string connecting the boys and them, and when we flick our hands the boys' body will like jump up, then the girls have to... WALK ABOVE THE BOYS TO THE FRONT WHILE THE BOYS (still lying down on the floor) USE THEIR LEGS TO PUSH THEM UPWARDS AWAY FROM THE GIRLS. Easier said, the boys go thru our legs. WTF?! It was damn paiseh to do at first la, then got used to it. Poor Weesin, first lesson he had to learn so many complicated moves (for him la).
Mr Phua's still my teacher! And I don't need to take A-Math so hoho ;D only had 2 new students in this class. The rest are the old students :D Junhao's still in the class. So yeah.
With Rach! :] and Celine. Lovely threesome. Hahah. Always reach home 10-12 ish. AT NIGHT. I need shopping. Gahhhh! Might be going Rach's house to stay overnight. Yeeeahhhh.
between us bestie. I'm sorry if you think I'm not treating you well and I'm sorry I think vice versa. :( when will things ever be okay between us D: I don't wanna keep quarrelling with you man. It sucks when we do can. LOVES.
Not all, tho. Some were out of stock. Grrr. And Junsheng served me ;D my dad kinda liked him, and when he noticed Junsheng leaving he told me "eh, shuaige leaving" I was like WTF =.= and he said Junsheng is nice, and has a nice smile. I think I need to go bang a wall now kthxbye. And Junsheng, MY MATH DOESN'T SUCK!
Erm, k fine actually it does =.=
With the threesome. :D Rach and Celine. Going to stay overnight at Rach's house I guess. Hahah aweeeesome. Gonna have so much fun, and log cakes. Heck about the calories. We can go swimmehhhh.
From work. x.x lost the stupid keys for the Jurong Point pushcart Hweechang pushed to me :( [Hweechang didn't wanna take it AT ALL can] and Tina didn't sound too happy la. And Tina didn't call me for a while till today I smsed her telling her I don't mind paying for the duplication of the keys then she called me and posted me to Junction8's pushcart tomorrow! :D MUST GO VISIT K. But a bit paiseh leh a lot of people I know always go there. LOL.
Still, not giving my Livejournal link :D those who know it, keep it to yourself k. Only when you ask me for it then will I give, or I'll only give it to people I wanna give it to :D teehee. Tryna keep it privat-o! ;D
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Pissed off. MAJORLY.
And this blog's literally dead. I'm wondering why I'm two-timing. Two-timing this blog and my livejournal. LOL.
I'm getting pissed off. MAJORLY. At Celine. Idk why, maybe I'm just PMS-ing like I always do. But its like everytime she's gotta be outside. Like what if Rach and I wanted to swim today? Firstly it'd be in the morning, she can't wake up till 12PM at least. And she should really stop dao-ing my messages can.
Idk. I don't like it when people dao my messages. And I'm really pissed off now. Not enough sugar-balance in my body I guess. Bloody. Celine called me and SHE got pissed off at me. NABEI. I mean, wtf. I never even say her right.
WTF IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE THESE DAYS. Like, omg, wtf is your problem. First Justin now Celine. And both people asked me wtf was my problem. Ugh.
Idk. I don't wanna do anything anymore. This sucks. I wanna go to sleep, its been a bad day.
I think I'm really gonna practice my krumping now. And get my waist and hip muscles all sore feeling again like it did after dance. Oh well, WHO CARES. Bloody hell. I don't care.
And boy, if you don't care, I WON'T EITHER.
I'm bloody pissed off today. Wtf is wrong with the people in my life today? I don't know. I don't care. DO YOU? Who cares if you do.
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Azaha gege's getting married tomorrow! :D I still don't recall/remember meeting his girlfriend or wife-to-be, even though my mom insists that I've met her before the last time Nadya jiejie came back from Australia. But no I don't recall a shit. Hahah.
Oh well, will meet her tomorrow. Malay weddings are so casual for me, since I'm Chinese and all I don't have to wear those Malay clothing-thingamajik. Haha. My mom told me can wear casual, just try not to wear shorts. LOL.
And kor's birthday's next week! :D next Sat. Going bunk at 4pm with him, Bern, Quin and Jody. OMG I'm gonna go so broke. And oh, next Sat mom told me and Celine that we're meeting up with HUANG DI! (emperor) that funny man from the tour group I was with in Shanghai, and his wife and son Weikang. We're having dinner together then maybe going down to their house. EEEE! SO EXCITED. Hahahaha! Will see for real how 'guai' Weikang is. Hoho!
Dance tomorrow D: for once I don't feel like going. And why? idk why either. But I know I'm tired and there's a wedding going on tomorrow. Geez. And I've not practiced the routine omg. I hope tomorrow Pam remembers something. And I need to rush out the assignment for Maqrius. The one on the dance groups and their vid, and which part I like and which part I dislike, good or bad. Omg, so much to do. So little time.
Its 2.18AM. I'm so gonna die in dance tomorrow. Half dead Gwenny. :( how nice. Hahah. And I'm still sick. So gonna die tomorrow.
You've got me pondering, and its all your fault.
I've got all the rights to feel this way. Its for a reason.
Are we better off this way? Or should I really stop pondering any further. Its driving me nuts.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
IF you want my livejournal account, ask me for it yeah. Best if you use lj too. ADD ME ADD ME! :]
update: still coughing like crazy. Taking 4 different medicines a day after every meal. Wondering if my issues with my juniors are REALLY resolved (when will they ever be?). Our clocks are in standstill motion; we're not getting anywhere.
Nadya jiejie's back in Singapore for Azaha gege's wedding. :] really happy for him that he finally found someone he's settling down with. I WANNA BE AN AUNT SOON OKAY AZAHA GEGE! :X hahaha. Kidding. But yeah, you're finally getting married! :D
Having badminton session tomorrow downstairs with Celine and Rach! :D my best buds from pri school man. Hahah. Miss them like hell already ever since we met in Shanghai, which was most probably the coolest thing that could've happened to 3 besties man :D
Note: GREENTEA ICECREAM AND SWEETS are like the world's most addictive thang. I keep kope-ing the green tea sweets me and mom brought back from China xD hellofanicething. Mom bought 2 boxes of the green tea ice cream ah-m gave us at Jiawen's birthday party.
And aww my pretty girls are grown up! Its like in the blink of an eye, and they're going to primary school. When I asked Jiaxuan she could even tell me "Methodist Girllllllls." in her cute voice OMG LA. Love her like hell. Hurry grow up so we can go out together girl! :D shopping with her in future would be damn fun I guess. Hurhur!
Sunday, November 25, 2007
I'm wondering why its SAILING camp. I mean, we're sailors so yeah. Thing is we didn't do any sailing at all. Only windsurfing and kayaking. :D which was pretty fun, except for kayaking, my kayak kept going in circles.
And I brought back everything from camp. Including a fever, sorethroat, cough and runny nose. :( omg la. I can't even talk properly now. I've gone into manhood. Hahah! Anyways, I'll be missing the sec4s :( esp Tzuling, Siungee and Luoling! Omg. Love you guys like hell okay. Must come back to visit.
Was appointed as a sec2 group leader, for my group. And I think I did really badly as a leader, its like no one was listening to me. So I'm really doubting myself now. :( sigh! Ryan and Joseph were the other 2 leaders. And apparently 2 of the 3 broke down and went all nuts and emo for the day. Meaning me and Joseph. He went emo and cried :( I feel so sad for him can. He thinks so badly of himeself! D: I cried during the BBQ.
Think I went nuts and started screaming and screaming infront of Aaron and just ran to sit at the edge of this road thingamajik near our BBQ pit and started crying and crying. Thanks Aaron for comforting me :D but yeah I really doubt my abilities now. My group members don't even bother listening to me and gave me and Peckkhee problems, so what makes me think the team will ever listen to me in future?
Oh! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TZULING! Much loves. Sadly I can't make it to your party. Feeling really sick right now. :(
My phone seems to have gone nuts. idk, all electronic devices seem to hate me now. :( oh well! Hahah. I'm just glad to be home with everything again. Fell asleep yesterday after I realised I was having fever and played a round of Audition and checked on my Maple acc. Hahah.
Will miss the sec4s like hell (idk how many times I said this). And thinking about it, I'll miss the sec4s of NEXT year. Like Peckkhee, Ningxin, Justin, Cheeteng, Darren, Weiming and Mubarak. :( Darren's right. After his batch is gone my batch would be a sad, sad one. Especially with these erm, juniors that we're all getting mad at. :(
But yeah I think I was kinda too harsh on the juniors during camp. Sorry guys. I don't mean it, I guess my patience line just snapped.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Of to Shanghai!
Going to Changi Airport in a matter of hours D: Sighhhh. Will miss everything here man. For 1 week and 1 day! ) :
happy be-earlied birthday to Lianghong and Jack!
Yup. Sorry I can't attend your celebration guys D:
And yesyes Lianghong I'll wish you luck and all. LOL. I'm not such a bad junior okay. :D
Y'know, I'm really worried about going to Shanghai. I mean, GEEZ. Those documentaries scare me too much. You know, those about airplane crashes etc? HAHA I'M WORRYING TOO MUCH.
And yeahhhhh my mom's giving me monehhhh to shop there maybe. Yeah my shopping could be.. 5hrs of window-shopping and not buying anything. Ultimate pro right ;] haha.
But mmhmmm I need to get loads of stuffs for people! :D ahha. Just hope there's stuffs nice there for me to buy back tho.
Went last min shopping with Melody Neoooo when I realised I didn't have enough clothes =.= haha. Met her at 8.45pm and walked around AMK Hub, then AMK Central. Nothing. So she suggested Junction8 LOL. We went J8 around 9.30pm can.
Most shops were closing la so we just quickly looked around. Then bought 2 tops from Outfitter Girls.
Finally, a bit more girlish tees. HAHA. Everyone's saying my clothes damn boy =.= zzz.
Helping my mom to transfer songs now into her new MP3 Sweeseng gege gave her. Cheapo brand la some Aigo brand. Ahha! But he got it free la so duhhh.
I keep having this feeling I'm forgetting something. Like something major I need to bring to Shanghai .__. ohmygod la. I can't forget anything. LOL.
I just hope no one will come and like, pickpocket me. I'M POOR OKAY. D: haha.
Gotta lunch and go prepare to go to the airport. I think I must reach there by 2.30pm? Yeah. ) :
Don't miss me too much yeah! Ahha. Missing someone is an awful feeling so DON'T MISS GWEN. She'll be back in an awfully long time of 1 week and 1 day, stuck in boring Shanghai D:
I'll miss you like shitloads :] call me already! D:
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Anyways. For oneendeavourians of '06 who reads my blog.. please note:
-Check when are the days you are free and when you're going on holiday.
-Inform me after you've confirmed the dates and all.
No more class chalet I guess. Now we're planning SENTOSA :D Siloso! ;]
I've not been to Sentosa since.. more than 7years ago maybe :D
-jumps for joy-
And so did most of the oneendeavourians from 06! :D We're practically reunited. And all the oneendeavour'06 sailors are back together in the same class :D
Grats to David and Ryan for making it to 3A dudes! :D You guys rock man. MY MOMMY AND DADDY! :]
Ooooooh yeah! Yippie yippie yeah! 3E's so gonna rock the level camp next year.
So far I only know of 3 guys who made it into 3E leh o.o Qihua, Daniel and Aaron. Bev's not happy she made it to 3E D: all of us were literally cheering when we realised a lot of us are gonna be reunited again but she was upset.
Aww BEV DARLINGGGG. Cheer up! There's me in 3E eh? You're oh-so-lovely class chairwoman (=.= they came up with this).
Flying off to Shanghai tomorrow I think D:
Will miss a sailing training session and Lianghong + Jack's birthday celebration. BUMMER. So if I don't enjoy myself in Shanghai, I'm so gonna regret it man.
PEOPLE! Please tell me what you want me to get for you guys in Shanghai man :] hahaha.
I haven't even started packing. Infact I doubt I've got enough clothes o.o and its gonna be chilly in Shanghai. I'm damn worried about theft there can. I DON'T WANNA LOSE MY LAOGONG THE SECOND! Which is my PSP Slim.
Oooooh for the chio-ness of it all man ;]
Anyways. Will miss you guys.. yup. ):
1 week and 1 day. Sighhhhhh.
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Omg la this vid makes me wanna join a dance crew or form one. Dance crews are so fun cuz you get to train dance together and all :D
Omgomgomg I should go find someone who's forming one. MAQRIUSSSS! You should help me find out.
Slickkkkk moves ;D
Saturday, November 03, 2007
Livejournal loveee.
If you have one please let me know :D I'd gladly add you. Haha.
Its literally becoming my main blogging area soon. Haha. So yeah. But still I'd never abandon realityworks. LOL.
Hmm. Going to aunt's place later around dinner time to celebrate another aunt's birthday and pizza. Ugh. Gonna grow fat.
And OheMGee. I think I need to run rounds around my block soon. :D
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Stayed at home to rot again. There wasn't any training today D:
Yokeching went for some job interview at some ice cream shop thing! Ahhh hopefully she'll get the job. I'd be her first customerrr! :D
I don't think I'm getting my job la. Until now also haven't call yet. Sigh. Nvm. The pay at MOS Burger's so measly anyways. Hah!
Gotta go to school tomorrow at 10am for the student council level head election thingamajik I think.
I don't know why I'm so nervous. Even tho I don't wanna be a level head now, part of me tells me, go for it. o.o like whadda. Hahah. But I'm thinking Sally's more up for the job, and she deserves it. :D
Oh well. Nevermind. Hahaha.
Its addictive ;]
And oh.
Was talking to dad yesterday over his birthday dinner celebration thing if he was serious about getting Gerald a PSP to replace his Gameboy Adv, dad said I could share with Gerald. But then we'd both have no Christmas presents! D: bummerrrrr.
But if I get it, I'm bringing it to Shanghai with me. I don't care! (spoilt brat tone)
If not I'd seriously die of boredom la, for that 1 week 1 day D: I'll need to bring my uhh, handphone for music, (if I get it) PSP for games AND music, (if I don't get the PSP,) Gameboy Adv for games. Really excited about the plane trip tho. And spending a whole week with Celine. I guess thats all I'm looking forward to this whole trip.
And I'm really gonna miss you. Yup :]
Now its 3.30AM sharp, and I just posted up the dedications for 2Integrity peoples :D haha. I'm nice okay. Spent so much time typing so much :]
Usually when I sleep past 2AM, the next day I'd wake up at the most 12pm. But these few days I've been sleeping past 2AM and waking up at 2PM! Like wth, I'm officially a pig.
Really sleepy now. After I'm done with this post I'm just gonna shut down both the com and myself.
Made a new Livejournal account today. Forgot my old one haha. :D
Yokeching! I've read some of your LJ posts. Cheer up loverrr! D: I don't like seeing you so upset. That person's a stupid doof! I WON'T LET THAT PERSON BULLY YOU OKAY! D: rawrness. Now I know how my girlfriends feel when I tell them about (spit your random word here). Like super pekchek and ready to take out a hammer/knife.
Went to school to hand in my reflections. Then cuz my Ez-link had no money I decided to walk home. FIRST TIME I WALKED HOME FROM SCHOOL! :D took me about 25mins? I think.
Even tho I totally didn't run, I was sweating a hell lot. And drips of sweat landed on my husband. Sorry darling Crumpler! D: got home and realised how much I actually sweat.
Justin, I'm not a pig. YOU AREEEE! Haha.
Waking up at 2pm is like, ahem, no big deal.
3.36AM, Tuesday, 1st November.
8 more freggin days and dunno how many hours and mins and seconds to taking of streaming results.
I'm freaking out.
4.23AM, over and out.
I'm tryna forget. But heck you know its impossible. :]
Do you remember?
Lets see..
Do You Remember? (The Crazy Class)
Cuz our class is truely amazing :]
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Growing up ;]
Like a few years back all that mattered were dolls and toys. Then a few months back all that mattered was feelings and studies. And suddenly, now, all that matters is getting a job o.o
It felt weird la, seeing me and Cia exchange friendster testimonials about jobs. Like we're actually talking about the JOBS we're gonna go for interviews for. Haha.
And oh, being best friends is better than being a -sjhdaskhdwg- ei. Hahah. ;] (don't bother counting the number of letters and trying to fit in a word cuz its just a random number of letters)
Soooo, you're one of my besties!
I love my bestie! :D much loves boy.
Definitly feeling much better today than yesterday. Thanks Yokeching and Peckkhee for the tags! You guys are the best :D
For now, I shall look forward to a job and a suckish uniform and my new subjects for next year. Hopefully 3Endeavour's subjects. :D
These are the things I'll learn to part with as I grow up ;]
Say It Right
>Nelly Furtado
In the day
In the night
Say it all
Say it right
You either got it
Or you don't
You either stand or you fall
When your will is broken
When it slips from your hand
When there's no time for joking
There's a hole in the plan
Oh you don't mean nothing at all to me
No you don't mean nothing at all to me
Do you got what it takes to set me free
Oh you could mean everything to me
I can't say that I'm not lost and at fault
I can't say that I don't love the light and the dark
I can't say that I don't know that I am alive
And all of what I feel I could show
You tonite you tonite
From my hands I could give you
Something that I made
From my mouth I could sing you another brick that I laid
From my body I could show you a place God knows
You should know the space is holy
Do you really want to go?
I just don't wanna be bothered with anything.
Maybe, outside I seem happy. Like super happy. But inside- its like I just wish I could let everything go. Every single shit I feel, everything I want to say, everything I wanna vent my anger on because.
I don't understand you at all. Why're you so SELF-CONTRADICTING? You're the one causing all this messy shit. If you feel this way why're you doing something to make me think you're not? Whats the use? You gonna tell me? What am I supposed to do. I thought I knew you better. Nothing's gonna be good, this whole narrated scene would just replay itself again and again. Go self-contradict yourself and get me out of this confusion. I'm tired.
I don't know what I should be thinking about you. Got influenced at the start of the year so I disliked you. Then it all got better but now.. I've really got nothing to say. Just, treasure those around you, stop taking them for granted, stop behaving in this way that makes me think that you think they've got no feelings at all. Watching this whole storyline sucks cuz everything just adds on to what impression I've got of you. You're a dear girl to me but please don't change that now. Be happy with what you've got, you can take a look at me and compare me with yourself and think, "who's more pathetic?". Everyone cares about you, everyone's concerned, and its just cuz you think too much and worry too much. I envy you. No one ever did bother about me. Please don't let your moodswings get in the way of how you feel and view people cuz when you let that happen, it sucks.
What to say about you. Hmm. Oh, right. I'm tired and sick of having to put up with you. Your moodswings is the problem. I feel that you take me for granted, I mean, as a good friend, you can show your true colors to me and shun them when it comes to being around other people. I'm tired of putting up with this. And when it comes to popularity, you can just dump me aside and forget me, leaving me all alone. Sometimes even the people I'm around are better than you. Whats the point of you always getting annoyed at me and when I see you and other people, you never seem to? You're making me feel all left out, all pangsehed. Last year I never did expect things to turn out this way. Yeah I might seem fine with you but you should really learn to stop venting your fustrations on people like that, y'know? Cuz it sucks. SUCKSSUCKSSUCKS!
You've got your problems but I've got mine too. Infact I feel I have to deal with more, except its not too big a blow, or at least on the outside its not. You can go around taking pity on others but for me? You never did seem to care about how I feel. Its always about THEM. The other two? You can still label me a bestie or something. You confide in me, I've never did confide in you. But you've never understood how I feel about anything- relationships, life, etc. Go to her, she's more important. You never did know how I feel whenever you just ignore me like that, or suddenly just stand up and go somewhere else. I just stare ahead, sigh, and want to go to sleep. Oooooh yeah, I could NEVER have felt better.
Mehhhh. I think I should just buy a diary so I can scribble all my nonsense inside it.
Life sucks and its fucking up on me again. Why me? Why're you chosing me as a target you dumbass. Huh? All the problems have gotta bombard me at once. Luckily my family's fine or I'd really 'take a leap of faith' off the HDB flat.
Over and out.
p.s. And Audrey? Sorry if removing the confetti during the open house for the sailing booth seemed like it was removing all of your efforts. Everything was MY fault, yeayea and I still managed to say the booth seemed plain, just after we cleaned it up. Yuppppp. Everything was my fault from the start anyways. I don't make sense at all. I just kept reading that big, literally highlighted out paragraph over and over again, tryna see what faults I've got again and again and what I've done wrong to you, maybe. I'M SORRY THAT THE WORK THE GUYS AND GIRLS PUT IN WERE ALL REMOVED CUZ OF ME. Maybe I've always been such a doofus. Its no wonder if I hear that people dislike me. Sorry if I've offended you in anyway but yeah. I can't say I'm really happy with what I just read. Made me realise I'm at fault and that I'm dumb cuz I don't seem to make any fucking sense. Ahahahahaaaaaaaa- bitter laughers.
Anyways, if that was your point,
I'm happy to say I got it.
K. sorry. I really needed to rant everything I wanted to off in this post. If you got offended, please know, Gwen's PMS-ing or something.
But just know that she's really upset now and is gonna explode if she can't find anywhere to literally scream out. Thank you for understanding :]
And urgh. I should really stop letting my anger get in the way. If not I'm just gonna repeat pri5 life again and everyone's gonna hate me lalala.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Studio Wu...?
Its 5.06AM people! :D
Spent the whole day at home and rotted. 'Nuff said.
I'm sleepy but not sleepy enough to sleep. Argh. Played my Aquila maple char just now and met another late-nighter. People who don't wanna sleep ;] ahhah!
Tomorrow going aunt's place to eat lunch D: sigh. Told my mom got dance at 3.30pm she wants me to go till, just go ealier. I still need to buy my top and half-jacket for dance! Kukuheads :/ scared not enough time.
Ohmg why the hell is Christmas Party playing on my iTunes. o.o
And I finally got the song I need for dance from Elie :D thankyou dearrrr! xoxo. Oh shit. Forgot to ask my mom if I can go work at Yoshinoya with Elie and Jiaqi for the hols D: just hoping the pay's good.
Excited for dance tomorrow :D don't care la I get kor to be my partner- since he's going tomorrow anyways. :D
And oh, I wanna go take PURELY poppin' and lockin' lessons from STUDIO WU (its a dance school).
Jiaqi said Winteng'll pass to me this paper thing that gives me one whole free lesson for a whole day. The dancers from our school are going on Saturday, so Elie doesn't wanna go on Sat. And oh, the price of Studio Wu's lessons are cheaper, about 60bucks a month for students.
But then I bet its like those kinda bigbig classes with over 8 people! D: I dowannnnn! ) :
IDON'TCARE. I might even ask my mom to consider letting me take lessons from 2 dance schools. :] but it'll be like 140bucks per month D: don't think she'd allow. If I take it'd be on Fridays (Studio Wu's poppin/lockin lessons) and Sundays (Hiphop Kids'pore- Maqrius's hiphop lessons).
If Maqrius doesn't move on to more popping or locking stuffs, I might change to Studio Wu.
When I'm older I shall go to Korea and try out lessons in Winners Dance School! THE ONE HYOYEON'S FROM, AHHHHHHHH! :D
Okay blogging just killed my remaining brain cells, and its 5.17AM. Needa catch some Zzz's or I'd die tomorrow in dance for good :] then the world will rejoice yayness!
I wanna replay those moments and jump into the scenes all over again.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Its at the shop Jiaqi showed me. The one where all the sec3 seniors got their pants. Infact I got the same one as them. o.o Wanted to get half jacket and a pink racerback shirt at the basement to match my pants but didn't. BO LUI!
Saw a lot of pretty NIKE DUNKS AND NIKE CORTEZ! Omg so pretty. I wanna drag my mom to Far East D: got a lot of things I want and need.
HAHAHAHA MAQRIUS! YOU HAVE NO REASON TO SCOLD ME FOR NOT DRESSING LIKE A HIPHOP DANCER! :D finallyyyyyy! But you CAN scold me for not bringing a partner for couple dance la. I still can't find one. Oh bummer.
And oh,
Got report books back. Hmm. Only an A. For ART. Hah I knew I could depend on art. But heck 72 for art is like chao lan D:
After school went to Elie's place and played with her piano-ish keyboard. She changed and stuffs and we left to meet Jiaqi at the bus stop. PAISEH QI DARLING! We were like 30mins late? Jiaqi said she almost fell asleep D:
Walked to the bus stop that has buses to Qi's house and waited. And Jiaqi gave Elie this card thingy for a free dance session the whole day! LIKE OMG. :D She said Winteng would pass to me one too. :] thanks Winteng darl! :D
Jiaqi got changed, wearing a KIDDY ATTIRE! :] RED MICKEY MOUSE TEE, WHITE PRI5-LIKE SHORTS WITH A FLOWER AND A BAG WITH TEDDIEBEAR PRINTS! :] and we took a bus to my place. Jiaqi was the kiddo! ;]
We spent a heckofa long time at my house la. Supposed to be I bathe and we go out for lunch. But end up my maid made SUSHI so we ate at my house, and I bathed at about 3pm when I should've at 1pm =.= JIAQI KEPT TAKING SNEAK PICS WHEN ME AND ELIE WERE TIDYING UP OUR HAIR ETC! xD
Took a bus to Far East. Got really sleepy- its like damn sian can. MRT would've been faster but Elie didn't wanna take MRT D: ahha.
Jiaqi fell asleep when we were almost there. And her head was like on my shoulder the whole time. So sweeeeet! :D got to Far East and woke her up. Bought bubbletea and went to shopppp! :D
The pants were okay for Medium but it was just nice, so I got L as it was wayyyyy baggier :] super chio pants. Infact, everything on Far East's fourth floor's SUPER CHIO! :D haha. First time I shopped in other levels than Far East's basement o.o
Elie loves boots! Jiaqi loves Little Miss tees! I love baggy cargos and chio Nike Cortez! :]
Jiaqi went home, so me and Elie walked around and around Far East for a while. Elie got this half jacket that I wanted, and then I saw this pink racerback that would've gone real nicely with the half jacket and the pants but the racerback shirt only came with a cashmiere or whatever D: and it was 30bucks together D:
Went to AMK's Sumo House for dinner. Bought the usual. NICE! And went to the arcade after that :] super long time since I went to Jubilee's arcade, since I was like studying for exams :]
And Elie might join my tuition! Yayness :]
Went home at around 10plus. When I got home I was all tired, and the moment I ploofed on my bed my parents came home. They saw the earrings I wore and the belt Elie lent me to go with the pants I wore out today and my dad was saying I've grown up. Like uhh, whatthe? LAMEEE.
Tired. The fan's blowing wind into my eyes.
Pics from the last day in 2INTEGRITY 2007 will be up soon :]
Will miss the guys. I wonder which class my fate would take me to.
Hopefully not 3D. I'd die taking POA.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Infact, I JUST got home.
We kept laughing while eating dinner, thanks to Ryan and all his bangla talk =.= like wth, me and Ningxin had a hard time eating cuz we were laughing so hard.
And I took out Ryan's phone batt, and when you put the batt back in you have to key in the PIN thing, and I purposely anyohow key in till it tio PUK! Then he had to call the Singtel people for the code to unlock his phone :D
Stayed there from 7plus till 11plus. David cabbed back so me and Aaron followed him since it was on the way :] Ningxin sat on the road leh! :D hahaha. She dared me to but then I saw a few cars so I was like eeyer cannot try sitting on the road. xD
Okay I just showed the options form to my parents.
Didn't really say anything, just passed it to my mom, told her I got the streaming stuffs back yadayada and went back to my room. No time for her to say much. Apparently, THEY DON'T KNOW A SHIT ABOUT STREAMING. Like, THERE ARE INSTRUCTIONS THERE FOR YOU TO READ?
And I think my dad wants me to accept my fate, go to 3D. Thinking I've done only bad enough to go there huh. Must be, he always looks down on me. Infact, all he wants to see are my results. He thinks I've done really badly, or, he's indirectly implying that. Cuz all he asked for was my report book and that he wants to wait and see my results.
So yeah. He looks down on me. ITS OKAY DAD. There's still the brother. Place all your hopes on him then. He'll do MUCH better than me.
Anyway, I kinda expected this from my parents. Especially my dad, since he's always the one who thinks and complains I've not been studying. So whatever, I don't care. I don't talk to my parents anyway.
Hmmm today's training rocked! :D The wind was outrageously good today, but I doubt it was as strong as Tuesday's D: bummer. But I didn't sail on Tuesday so I don't know.
My positions for the practice races were- 7, 5, 6. :DD -BIG GRINS- okay the last one we sailed to Bedok buoy and then back to shore so I counted from there. Drey you PRO KIA! Sail so fast. Even Aunty Yvonne complimented you, saying the sailing to Bedok one you didn't have a good start but still WON ALL OF US :D gogo Drey! xoxo.
First time I complained about being tired hiking out during strong wind. Man, my stamina must have really dropped for me to complain DURING STRONG WIND.
Hello? I ADORE strong winds :D cuz I am "heavy enough to handle it" -Quin.
While heading back to shore, it was all the way from Bedok buoy leh. So we sailed downwind the whole way back. I heeled my boat a lil' too much and when I tried to flatten my boat, BAM! My left knee hit the front part of the boat, the black thing near the traveller.
D: I was like wtf! Reaching shore then I have to injure myself. Why not injure myself during the start of today's training? Then I won't seem so suay.
So the whole time I was unrigging I was baika. :]
And oh, a lot of people didn't come for training today. ALL BAIKA! :] Ningxin said its a trend for us sailors now to become baikas and to lose our stuffs. Lets see- Justin, Peckkhee, Agnes, Linjie, Jack, Darren and (I'm not sure if Mrs Sidhu counted her) Yuxuan didn't come.
Justin, Peckkhee, Linjie and Jack ALL BAIKA. Or at least we know, Linjie and Jack fake baika. :] but when Mrs Sidhu asked why they never come we all jokingly replied they baika :D
And oh! When going back to shore I was really near Weiming. Audrey and Cheeteng were 1st and 2nd. Cheeteng lost to Drey xD he was whatthehell-ing a lot while unrigging hahaha.
And oh, cuz I was near to Weiming I could see what he did to Ryan. Ryan asked him for water but he already finished drinking it I think. So he was like, "Ei Gwen, Gwen! Looklook, see what I do to the Ryan ah." then I was all confused. Then he said "He wants water right? I GIVE HIM water -evil grin-"
Then he filled up the bottle with seawater, called Ryan to come closer to his boat. Me and Nic were trying hard not to laugh la. Then I watched as Ryan opened the bottle, drank a bit, then he shouted "Oei! Weiming! This is SEAWATER RIGHT?! EI WALAO!" but he didn't drink it la. HAHA. Weiming said he saw Ryan sip a bit, then spat it out xD
Got back to shore and Justin Ong helped me take trolley! :D hahaha for once, the kind junior helped me :] haha. Then I told him why the trolley no air! So he go help me take another one and was complaining why all of us worry so much about the air in the wheels of the trolley. LOL. Then he was like "Hey I'm helping you over here lor.. never thank me still ask me what ah, go change trolley. D:" xD hahaha. I did thank him la. I'm a nice senior :]
Almost forgot to take my hat la! And I left it on another boat that was not put on the rack leh. Heng I remembered! If not it would've been gone D: so Ningxin said its a trend to lose things.
Talking to Kerrie on MSN. Thanks babe, for comforting me and giving me suggestions. ♥
The best and still the best after these two long years, thanks for being there for me love!
I keep thinking again and again about what has happened recently three days back. Thinking of it makes me pissed off but I can't help it. I guess, if things are like that, I'll just leave it be. Its meant to be, maybe(?). How I feel would never change, tho.
Thinking back, maybe I am just stupid. Pure stupidity. Of Gwendolyn Neo Yuan Qi.
I have training tomorrow, and therefore pangsehing my lovables! D: Supposed to go to Lower Pierce Reservoir with AGEK but I last min decided not to go cuz I don't want to pon sailing, even tho many of us wanna.
During open house, I kept thinking. What if I had joined the other CCA that I wanted to join besides sailing? Modern dance o.o Yokeching asked me if I had joined modern dance instead of sailing, "Would you be one of them?"
Oh well. I'm happy with my current lessons now so yeah. Jiaqi forced me to dance today! So paiseh. At the "bowling alley" during open house. Haha. The dance seniors were in the dance studio dancing so I refused, but Jiaqi wanted to see my dance moves real badly so she dragged me outside to dance. AH SO PAISEH.
Jiaqi and Sera, I LOVE YOU! :]
And I love you too.
I shall leave this all behind me. For now.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Is it hard understanding.
Its like, my dad just nagged a whole storybook full of crap to me about my attitude towards my family. Like wtf, STOP THE FUCKING NAGGING ALREADY. EVERYTIME you only know how to scold me and nag at me. WHAT ABOUT THE BROTHER?
"Easily said than done"- many people know this phrase. But how many actually really applies it to situations in life?
My parents tell me about studying and results as if its so easy to achieve. I'm not the studious sort and I know that. The standards in the past could have been a hell lot freggin easier than mine. So yeah, DON'T COMPARE.
He told me to find him or my mom when I have problems.
Everything's been about the brother. EVERYTHING. Just because he plays badminton well, he shares the same passion as you two, he's just like you two. I'm different, I love sailing and dance, and what, IS THAT A FUCKING DISGRACE TO YOU?
You've never supported me in sailing or dance. I'm always limited to what I can do. I feel lousy about my sailing skills, and when I tell you how badly I've done for competitions, you add salt to the wound. You only know how to go, "Huh? Do so badly AGAIN? Aiyah you might as well quit sailing la. Always like that." you're ALWAYS telling me to quit sailing.
When I want to tell you my results, the brother starts to sing and I tell him not to sing cuz I'm really nervous and don't know where to start about the results, then you scold me and tell me not to treat my brother like this, that I'm not flexible enough.
I've got so many problems. I'm really tired. I really, really wanna give up. Wanderer: I may be a fighter to you, but I'm a tired one. A really, really tired one.
And letting out big sighs never did help me.
But thats all I'm doing for now.
Someone tell me the number of times I've kept my problems to myself instead of telling my parents- countless.
From the open house. Its like, the kiddos were OVERWHELMING. Its like, THEY KILLED ME- literally.
Went to ATS with Sarah, Adora, Donald, Jiamin, and dunno two other sec3 guys. LOL. Me and Adora were the only sec2s in the group and the sec3s were all talking about their batch's students in ATS at the time. So I was like, "Oh ADORA, those people behind us talking about their batch la. We SO LEFT OUT. Nevermind, WE TALK ABOUT OUR BATCH! -randomly lists a name-"
We walked there okay. Then Sarah and Jiamin they all damn slow. Me, Adora, Donald and this guy who's name starts with J were walking damn fast.
Got the *ahem* lousier classes for open house D: ATS really think so lowly of us izzit? Hello, I bet Mayflower's standards are better than ATS, thanks to Mr Ng. Bleah. We got like, 6G, 6H, 6J, 6K and I think 6K1. All the worse few classes, and EM3 classes. D:
Mr Tan was the form teacher of 6G! :D then I was like, "MR TAN MR TAN! You remember me?" and he was all "Yeah I taught you in pri4." then I asked "Whats my name?" then he "o.o nono don't ask me for names! I know I teach you before can already! Remember your face can already!" lol.
Saw Mr Low, and me and Donald went to say hi. I ran to Mr Low when he was buying food la. Haha. He was like "O.O Gwen! Oh hihi! What are you doing here?" then when he shook hands with Donald then he told me Donald was from AVA. Like o.o NOT EXPECTED!
Sarah and I kept looking for our bros. But nah we left just as it was the pri4 recess D:
I had to say the bus guide's speech thing on the bus and I didn't bother asking for the mic and Mr Tan kept asking me to move to the center of the bus lol. Then dunno why but the kids liked laughing at what I said cuz I made it sound funny. Then Shermaine was in my group!
But sadly, cuz she knew me, she thought she didn't really have to listen to my instructions when we gave them the tour. And ya, that killed me.
And oh, CHUN HONG and SHITING were my group's other mentors :D Chun Hong and I were like damn tired when we reached the music room la. He had his head on the table and I was squatting on the floor like wanna sleep.
I decided to buy that pants that the dancers had. The 36bucks one? Cuz I really can't find any nice ones D: and the one they had are the EXACT ones I want, except the one I want is like brown. Except for I'll tie up the string till my knee length there.
Wanling told me to find online. o.o lazy to haha.
And oh, Sera got bullied by someone. Wtf. She cried and cried in the dance studio cuz she was so scared la. On Friday I shall ask how it went. Hopefully she's fine. D: It pains me a lot to see her crying so much just cuz she's afraid la ) :
Was talking with the sec2 dancers in the dance studio and they were busy cursing the bully. LOL. When Jiaqi and Sera and Nicolette hugged me Shermaine Chia thought it was weird. She was all "Err, your friend just hugged you?". =.=''' PRISCHOOL KIDS.
Still haven't told my parents.
Shall let them do the finding out then. Hah. And Edward thinks I'm doubly depressed, still. D: I'M NOT SOME DEPRESSED SOUL, DUDE!
But heck, who really cares? Two can play this game baby.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Tomorrow there's open house, and I'm MENTORING some young lil' ATS kiddos who're gonna join Mayflower sec cuz I'm so gonna be the nicest/best/most bhb/jfhsauhfsdh mentor they'll have ever seen!
And I wanna get 6C- Ranice, Weisze and Nicole's class! Yupppp.
Really tired. Haven't showered. Just ate finish my DARS Chocolate and its like 11.28pm. Okay thats like really fattening.
My eyes still feel sore, and tomorrow I'm gonna have a hard time moving about cuz my muscles are aching like they've never did before. Which kinda sucks cuz I've got lots of walking to do tomorrow. :/ hmm.
Can't even sit down on any surface today without going "Owwwch." and wincing a bit. My butt muscles thingy hurts. Haha. Even my right shoulder and both leg muscles hurt. A lot.
Oh well. Looking forward to tomorrow.
Shall leave my parents to do the finding-out themselves.
They always do, anyway.
Cuz no one would.
I don't intend to tell them now. Not now. They'd never understand how upset I am over this, they'd just blame me for not doing well enough. Yeah, I'm a lousy daughter. So what. I'm not as smart as my many cousins who get top few percent in Singapore and get to go overseas to study.
I need someone besides my parents to talk to. Cuz they'd never understand.
Everything's about my brother. Nothing was ever about me. Yup.
But I guess I just have to keep going on. Cuz no matter what, I'm not gonna admit defeat.
When I need you the most.
You're such a stupid pig.
Can't even make it to 3E. Only can go 3D. Only got one option. Only can go to the class with the subjects you didn't want to take.
What a sucker.
Not saying 3D is bad. 3D is not bad a class. Its just I don't wanna go there.
Can't believe how much I cried today. Even missed sailing, just sat at the canteen at the sailing center while the wind was super strong and watching how some people were capsizing, wishing I was out there. ) :
Its like, while walking up the bus, I walked past Justin Ong and Edward. Then I heard Justin say "Ya, she's depressed alright." its that easy to see when I'm upset?
Cried till I got so tired that while reading Aaron's Chicken Soup for the Teenagers Soul II, I fell asleep with Quin beside me. Aaron also slept. My eyes hurt like shit.
After debreifing for open house day 1, they had an announcement for all sec 2EXP classes to go to the theatrette. Then when everyone was there they gave out the options.
I sat beside Bernice, and both of us were like damn nervous. Deyuan and Darren were sitting behind me. Almost tore the paper about the school's history that we needed to remember for the open house cuz I was so nervous. Then I broke down. Deyuan was like "Omg is she crying?" sorry Bernice and thanks for your shoulder and comforting me.
Then Bernice went "Omg her paper here le." Then she glanced at it and kinda reluctantly passed it to me. And I cried even louder and harder.
Cuz I only got Option A.
Which is to go to 3D. Which is the class I told myself I should never go cuz all the subjects I don't want are there. Which is one of the classes which a lot of people got for their option.
Which makes me wanna die.
Cried all the way till we reached NSC. From like 1.11pm to 2.30pm plus? Kept crying. Weiming, Ningxin and Peckkhee were busy telling me that what they state on the paper might not be what you get.
But who knows? I might get into 3D. Since its like, MY ONLY OPTION.
Told Mr Yeo I didn't have the mood to sail, and he was asking me if I thought of appealing and all. Then I cried a bit. After that Mr Lee asked me why I never change out then I told him why. Then he tried psyco-ing me to sail but I insisted I didn't want to. And I cried more D: so paiseh can.
Stayed on shore with Aaron and Quin. The 1E'06 sailors. Everyone was calling us emo cuz we just sat there crying, except Aaron la. Poor Quin! D: DON'T WORRY DARLING I'M ALWAYS HERE FOR YOU.
Peckkhee named us Emo One, Emo Two and Emo Three.
Now I don't know how to tell my parents. Sigh.
I should just gotohell.
Who doesn't long for someone to hold; who knows how to love you without being told.
I want to cry. I'm sorry.
>Natasha Bedingfield
'cos someone's bound to hear my cry
Speak out if you do
You're not easy to find
Is it possible Mr. Loveable
Is already in my life?
Right in front of me
Or maybe you're in disguise
Who doesn't long for someone to hold
Who knows how to love you without being told
Somebody tell me why I'm on my own
If there's a soulmate for everyone
Here we are again, circles never end
How do I find the perfect fit
There's enough for everyone
But I'm still waiting in line
Who doesn't long for someone to hold
Who knows how to love you without being told
Somebody tell me why I'm on my own
If there's a soulmate for everyone
If there's a soulmate for everyone
Most relationships seem so transitory
They're all good but not the permanent one
Who doesn't long for someone to hold
Who knows how to love you without being told
Somebody tell me why I'm on my own
If there's a soulmate for everyone
Who doesn't long for someone to hold
Who knows how to love you without being told
Somebody tell me why I'm on my own
If there's a soulmate for everyone
If there's a soulmate for everyone
lovelaye SLs ;]
Met up with Sylvia and Debbie, then we went to get my chocs and sweets at NTUC. But Sally decided to help me buy the sweets instead cuz its cheaper at her house. And we played with some of the HALLOWEEN stuffs there! :D cuteee! ;]
But Derick was nice enough to agree to lend me his jacket tomorrow till he felt cold :D THANKYOU DERICK! :]
Then went to Converse, and looked, and they came to my place! Debbie went home first. We played audition and all, and Derick was again fasinated by how I can play audi o.o and kor made a new char! Met me in my room and he was like, "mei". I tio shocked la and for 5mins I couldn't figure out who he was.
They stayed over at my house till like 9.49pm! :D Sally might come and stay overnight at my place at Thursday, then we go to school together on Friday morning. Haha whacko idea but it sounds fun la. Didn't try going to school with a friend in the morning before :D
Dinner gang ;]
They wanna come to my place again on Thursday since there's no school. Especially Derick, they're all saying my room damn comfortable o.o
Helped Sylvia train her audi char till it was going to do lvl 8 licence :D tomorrow shall tell Sylvia. GOGO SYLVIA DARLING YOU CAN DO IT! :D