The Nation has just given me a lovely gift a day after its first birthday, and I have been hoping for this since the first day I started this hobby:
And so, yah. :D
But I've gotten many accidental ratings, or my rating would have been a perfect 5. But oh well, these things happen in blogskins.
And I just remembered about how I wanted to blog about me submitting this skin and hoping that it would become SOTD. But yah, now I got my wish and hopes. Its like when I placed so much hope into this blogskin getting SOTD, my thoughts got sent to heaven or something and it came true! Haha.
But yah.
Turned on the com and Isabella [aka brownheels-] came and said to me on MSN "Ahhhh! SOTD!" and I was like "Wow, you got SOTD?"
And then at the same time, Ben [aka IllusioNATION], my bestie and lamer crapping friend on blogskins, suddenly come say "Someone got SOTD hor!" and cos I didn't know that I got it, I was like "???" and he told me "SOMEONE" and then I read Isabella's reply to what I said and she said "No, YOU!" and after that, my computer just had to crash =/
Haha, but while restarting my computer, I had some time to go jump around in my room, and lemme tell you this - I REALLY did jump around xD
Started off my day by coughing really badly in the morning! Ahh, what a fine start, coughing your lungs out early in the morning. [sacarstism included]
But during the whole of the drama English lesson [that replaces our English periods every Friday], we had to do this crappy thing - reading out a part of a script for 6. I was in the second last group to go up there to speak. Haha. It was quite fun lah, but because I was the last to speak, I stood there waiting for the rest to finish their lines. While waiting, I stood there coughing and coughing and coughing. Then when I finally got my turn to speak, I sounded a bit squeaky at the first sentence, but was okay after that.
Mr Lance even complimented about the part where I enhanced the sentence. And told me to repeat how I said it to the whole class. And Quin was holding my hand going "Mommy! Why did you have to go in a group before me?" lol. she was in the last group to speak, along with Alicia. But yah, Quin has been calling me "mommy" for a while now. LOL. Cos Elizabeth rearranged her to be my "daughter". HAHA. Our class is chaotic can!
okok. I'm talking to Sze Hoe [aka *fallenSOUL] on MSN. Another one of my besties on blogskins, so yah!
Yes, I'm blogging about you now!
Haha, happy right? xD okok. So yah, thanks for tagging me while you were in school, I know you're very caring! :D but anyway. Yah. I got nothing bad to blog about you lah, don't worry! I can't think of anything bad to blog about you, so yah. But there was this time he actually didn't know my blog. AHHHHHH meanie! xD but nevermind, I shall not be so evil. But yah. But yah [again], thank you can! haha. I read your comments until like, wow, so profound xD the only comments i can give for your blogskins are just "nice!" or "very nice!" or "supersuper nice lah!" xD sorry sorry ok Sze Hoe. And I love your skins can! xD jiayous bah! Love ya xD
You know what?
His birthday is on 18th April! omg lah! 10 days after my birthday. HAHA. So easy to remember. Then his brother is 28th April. All the number 8s and Aprils!!! xD omg, such a coincidence! and Sze Hoe here says its fate. Haha. xD
Then Ben's birthday is on 28th August. AHHHHHHHHH coming soon! He's expecting presents from me... so he wants us to meet on 28th. LOL joker lah you Ben! :D Might as well say meet on 8th April on 2007, then can give me and Sze Hoe presents cos our birthdays are so close. Haha.
But yah.
Oh great. Why do I keep saying "But yah" or "So, yah"! LOL. I think I'm a bit hyper lah.
But anyway [YAY, finally, no "But yah" (:], Ben asked Cyn and Huan. Ahaha. Really wanna meet them. Then I asked Sze Hoe... wah. All older than me. Must ask Jessica! She's the only one who's 13 - same age as me!!! =D
So yah, [omg, not again!]
I'm a bit hyper over getting SOTD, but I guess I've already cooled down a bit. HAHA.
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