Mr Low's undeniably the best.

Some teachers didn't get mah cookies and cakes cuz I couldn't find them in the hall!

Happy teachers' day Mr Lim! He was.. deeply enjoying the singing.
Went to Thomson Plaza with Ker and Eileen, had Subway breakfast! :P then had a long chat with them that made time fly.. awww. :(
'Leen! I'm glad you didn't change too. :) always the best!
Ker left, so me and Eileen walked around before we both headed off to our primary schools. Took 132 with her two bus stops down, then dropped off and walked down. Got right to the end of the path and turned back only to realise...
..I walked such a far distance without realising it.
Its definitly amazing to go back again! The atmosphere of ATS is like, AWESOMEEEEE DUDE! ;D Felicia called me to hurry up LOL. Got in and was so happy to see everyone again!
Russell, YOU GAINED WEIGHT. Hahaha.
Max, nah.. I saw him last year so I've got nothing to say. :P
Coincidence much, I saw Oriana walking in with Jiaying! :D and it was unplanned cuz Jiaying didn't tell any 6E'05 people that she was visiting too. See, our class has FATE with us!
Some stupid/childish/kiddish/LAME/whatever kid from Mr Low's class was bugging us when we went to the 4th floor to see him.
"50dollars to see Mr Low! Or you don't see. To see in the canteen, pay 10dollars!"
Whatever, I don't believe I was ever this childish when I was in primary 5 you doof.
Th bookshop was like shopping heaven for Celine, Feli and Yanwen! Hahahaha kids. But yeah they were like, "omg this is sooo cute! Should I get it???!" and such. :P
Went back to the 3rd floor to find Mr Low in the library. (eating, apparently. :\)

6E '05 's favourite place in Aitong: the parade square! We were reminising about how we used to play "virus" (like catching + ice and melt) everyday during recess instead of eating.
No wonder we were all so skinny! :o

Got Mr Low out, and we went-
1.. 2.. 3... happy teachers' day to you, happy teachers' day toooo yoooou! Happy teachers' day to Mr Lowwwwwww, HAPPY TEACHERS' DAY TO YOOOOOUUU!"
A teacher came out and jokingly asked "Eh Vincent, your birthday ah? Haha."
Its damn fun, why can't people in 3Endeavour be like that?Took pics outside the library. WALAO EH, see the walls? LIKE KINDERGARDEN SIOL.
Bryan finally came up! And omg he grew a lot can. Hahaa. He's like, slightly shorter than me when he used to be a HELL LOT shorter man.

Then we were busy reminding Mr Low about how often he used to get angry at us and do his angry face. (I call it "
The Mr Low Angry Face")
He was like, "NOOOOO don't remind me of the bad times-"

"-then Mr Low! You always tell Bryan and Garey to sit down cuz they were always-"
"-GWENNNNNNN. >:\ you tired of living izzit!"
"-then hor, Garey will always act blur then you will 'BRYAAAAAAAAAAN!!! SIT DOWN!-"
The Mr Low Angry Face*
"then Bryan will 'whyyyy Mr Low, why!!' and you will tell him to go back to his place.."
"-Don't remind me of the bad times! Only the go-"
Yanwen: "-like every 5mins lor! Then remember the time you got so mad at our class you took a table and threw it down..-"
Felicia: "Oh YA YA YA! Mr Low I remember that time! Then-"
Mr Low: "Remember the good times only! Okay come back when you can write 10 good things about me okay. I go eat first. :P"
Kindergarden much..Went to find Lin laoshi, but she wasn't feeling well and was resting somewhere else :(
Feli had hair crisis, went to save her! ;D

Came out and got Celine to pose beside the watercooler.
Omg were we ever THIS SHORT??! :o

Eh, remember this hill? And this bus stop?
Great memories.. :D I'll always love you guys and this place where we always played catching and do silly stuffs like play with MIMOSAS! ;D
And oh, talking 162 home and 410 to Junction 8 after school!

Went to J8 for lunch with Rebekah. Ordered Zinger and Cheesefries! ;D but I wasn't hungry, so I didn't eat the Zinger. Rachel went home, and after checking out the arcade Felicia went home.
Slacked around, walked around. Chatted a lot with Celine, Yanwen and Jiaying till I fell asleep on the table in the Food Court. Went to the open-air playground again.

Same people (but Rae wasn't there), same place, same few slides. THE PRESENT:Same people (plus Jiaying), same place, same few slides, only dirtier and older.

Met this cute little girl who had a few wet patches on her butt.
Her mom said its cuz her diaper overflowed. :\ Jiaying was like "..omg I just slid down the slide that she went down on leh!!!" LOL.
They bought bubble tea and custard puffs while me, nothing. Homed on MRT with all of them and Celine decided not to go to her aunt's place.
Went to Hello! Singtel in AMK Hub to check out the pricing for iPhone.
USELESS LA DEY.No information on the pricing can??! So annoying luh.

But still, it'll be mine!

Oh yeah guess what I bought from Action City? :D

Little bear hugging a nice comfy pillow! ;D it was uber cute can. :P

Syafiqah finally passed to me Jiahui's BREAKING DAWN in class today! I was like mighty excited cuz I've been waiting so long for this!
And mom is giving me money to go get the hardcover ver of it from Kinokuniya!

Bye bye Gwen, you're so gonna die.
Stole this from

in Deviantart cuz I thought it was interesting!

*Choose a singer/band/group.
*Answer using ONLY titles of songs by that singer/band/group.
*Tag 6 more people to do so and let them know they've been tagged, of course.)
I shall choose Good Charlotte. ;D
(like, duh.)
*Are you male or female?
Keep your hands off my girl
*Describe yourself!
The young and the hopeless
*What do people feel when they're around you?
*How would you describe your previous relationship?
Broken hearts parade, Break apart her heart..
*Describe your current relationship?
*Where would you like to be now?
Where would we be
*How do you feel about love?
I don't wanna be in love (dance floor anthem)
*What's your life like?
Face the strange
*What would you ask for if you had only one wish?
Lifestyles of the rich and famous
*Say something wise
Superman can't walk
Hey dearie! Have fun at your camp alright. ;D
Yes, we've never really changed at all.